chapter 11

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Dedicated to priyasabarish

Not looking at her at all, he looked at the pictures that were in front of him. "What are you doing here?" He groaned as he hated the pictures in front of him.

"How rude," she said moving inside the office. "You haven't even glanced at me once." She held her hand on her left where the heart was. It's not like he was looking but she was that mell dramatic. "You hurt my feelings sir." Her voice was of a hurt person but she fooled him not. "Not even a come in and what would you like to have? Coffee, tea, juice, tequila, vold..."

"What are you doing here?" He asked with gritting teeth. She was really getting on his nerves.

"How rude of your boss miss..." She trailed off so she could get his assistant's name.

"Mary, ma'am."

"Mary, as in Mary mother of Jesus?" Ray wanted to struggle the chit that he hadn't yet looked at. What was she even doing there in the first place? "Wow! You really are pretty Mary. And please don't call me ma'am because I'm this man's personal assistant."

"My what?" Ray asked looking at her this time.

She looked at him and their gaze looked. Her blue eyes were filled with amused while her whole face was glowing. She was more pretty than the last time he had seen her but of course he wasn't going to admit that to her. As for her clothing, this chit needed to be taught a lesson. Whatever she was wearing wasn't even considered as a cloth. She was naked if you asked him. And how was it that she was allowed to board a plane dressed like that? He wanted to ask when she opened her mouth and trust him when he said he hated it.

"You know, personal assistant." She was looking for words as she searched his face. "The one who helps in the office by booking meetings, reminding the bossing of the meetings. Knowing where the files are located and also taking the needed documents from one office to another for signing since the boss is too lazy to do it himself or herself. And also..."

Ray looked away from her only to find Mary trying to hold her laughter.

"I know who is a personal assistant." He cut her off turning once again to look at her. "But you're no personal assistant of mine."

"Oh c'mon sir," she said as she moved further to his table, "this shoes are killing me." She bend over to take them off. "And I'm really tired."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"Mary," she turned to his assistant ignoring him. "Lemme have two glasses of tequila and make them look like double."

Ray felt his hands ball into a fist as he looked at the chit that was now shorter than before. The heels had made her look way too tall for her own high.

"We're not in a club if you haven't noticed." He looked at his assistant. "Will you please excuse us for a while. And be ready to call security when I say so through the intercom."

"Yes sir," looked at him the back at the lady before them. She held amusement on her face. As if she knew something that neither he nor the chit knew. "Please excuse me ma'am."

"When he uses the intercom it'll be go ask for tequila. Nothing else." She was all smiling at the old lady.

Once his office door was closed, Ray turned to look at those blue eyes that he had so much missed. Of course, he wasn't going to admit that to this young woman. She had only been there for less than ten minutes and she was making his blood boil so far. How come she was even in his office? He sure was going to kill Abel the next time he saw him.

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