chapter 31

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Dedicated to sugunam

Maya looked at her sleeping babies and smiled at herself. They're so innocent that she never wanted them to grow up at all. Imagine growing up to a messed up family like hers and it was all her fault. She was a failure in more ways than one.

Failure in being a good daughter as her father wanted her to be. In being a good sister to her brother Phil, a good friend, wife, mother and step mother to add to the list. She failed her generation and if given another shot in life, she wouldn't want to be her. Never.

Looking at her kids one last time, she took the monitor with her and closed the door. The babies were well feed and they won't be up until three hours. She walked to her bedroom and took out her clothes for the day. After taking a shower to relax her, she put on her clothes and carried the monitor with her without looking at her cell phone which was still charging at the nightstand.

She didn't to be tempted by it. Two hours later and she had no idea of what had happened. If Leonel had talked to the twins and told them everything. If Chris had gone to tell Prince what happened and if their son had listed to him at all.

Maya sat on the couch and let her mind replay what had taken place earlier. Gabriel had thought that Prince didn't love them at all. All those years he thought that Prince was the one on the wrong. The one who never cared when it was the opposite of that.

It was her fault that things got to where they're now. Hers and no one else. Was it not the responsibility of the woman of the house to explain everything to everyone? To make them understand what is really going on or why somethings are taking place?

Then again, how could she know that? She had no female figure while growing up. She grew up in the house of two men. One never wanted to see her and the other, he was barely home. Or maybe, he didn't know what to teach her. After all, he was no woman.

Again, the environment she grew up in didn't help when it came to matters of family. That wasn't a family at all. All her young life her father wanted her dead. He stubbed her over and over again. He called her all sorts of names and she, she took it all. She wanted him to see her. To be proud of her if not everyday, just ones in her life. But that never happened.

Maya wiped away a tear that escaped her. She thought that she was done with the tears and yet, they're still falling. She looked at the love seat Chris had sat a few hours ago and her heart couldn't help but break. She had failed him in more ways than she had showed him that she loved him. She was supposed to be his ride and die. His best friend. His wife. His strength yet, she hadn't been all those things.

Instead, she had let her fears take over. She had let them rule her. Let them determine the kinda life they would leave and look where that got her. Her husband was out there fighting for his family or what had remained of it and there she was. Home. And to make the matters worse, she was doing nothing. Nothing but cry her eyes out.

Fear. That's the worst thing that one can have. Fear makes you weak. It makes you make the worst decision. When you let them rule you. And Maya had done that. She had let fear take over her when Kimberly came knocking on her door. She had let go of a kid that needed his father more than it's mother and look where that got them.

More tears slide down her cheeks as she fought hard to stop them. Maya didn't know what to do at that moment. She needed to breath. Breath...

The door bell rang stoping the hiccup that was about to pass her lips. She had wanted to scream but she quickly wiped her tears away and walked towards the door. The bell rung again and she pulled the door open.

Maya's eyes almost pooped out seeing the person standing before her.

"Won't you let me in?" Mr. Freeman asked making her shake a little at his tone. "How rude of you," he continued.

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