Blue Moon: A Fateful Night.

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The darkness I saw quickly evaporated once the blinfold was removed by one swift tug and there they were. All smiling.

"Surprise" everyone roars as I enter the marquee, people clap and cheer in delight and others start to wish me happy birthday one by one, half of them already drunk. But I didn't mind, well kind of. I was just happy to have everyone I know and love here with me, on my 16th birthday.  

After the greetings and drunken 'hugs' were over I scaled the marquee fascinated by the beautiful decorations and magnificent colours infront of me. Table cloths were a sea blue and the chairs were white. By the end of the room was a huge dance floor, which was hardly seen by the crowd of people surrounding it. As I circled the room I noticed that a bunch of blue moon flowers were in each vase on every table. Taking a closer look I noticed they were real, how could this be? I was born on valentines day and these flower were a long way from their blooming time. However, I was happy that they were here. I felt much calmer.

Then the music died down.

"Hello everyone, I hope you're all enjoying the party so far!" She boomed down the microphone, everyone starts to cheer and wolf whistle at the beauty on the stage. That woman didn't need a microphone, her voice was loud enough. The thought brought a quiet chuckle to my throat. I've known my Auntie since I was 1 and I have idolised her all my life. She had long brown hair with piercing green eyes, which could see through any truth. To top that off she was 40 realistically but looked 25 physically. "Good, I would like to request that all of you kindly move your butts outside please." the crowd reacts again and start to fumble through the marquee doors. Seeing as I was blindfolded entering the room I couldn't wait to see the outside. I pushed through the crowd rushing to see what was in store. As I got closer to the surprise I could hear sounds of approval and a few 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' from the occasional person. When I fumbled my way out the other end of the crowd I could see why, there infront of me was a beautifully carved silver box, on a white pedestal. The view behind the box was just as dazzling. A large beautiful lake that reflected the moons glow and at the end of the lake was a magnificent waterfall falling elegantly with a beautiful embrace as it   collides into the lake, causing delicate ripples to disturb the lakes silent peace. 

Finally I managed to stammer out the only two words I could possible conjour up. "It's amazing." I was so entranced by this little box that I forgot everything and anyone that was around me. It was just me and that box. Each step I took I could see the wonderful detailing of the box. Flowers were engraved into the silver sight and words that were written delicately surrounded the sides of the box. It was like a fairy had made it. Suddenly my Aunt coughed, it was a sign for me to say something...... more elaborate? "uh, I mean it's magnificent." The words came out better than I had planned which was a good thing. 

"I'm truly glad you like the gift, it was a present from your parents kept for you for your 16th. It's a family heirloom." she chirped and then skipped delightedly towards me, then handed me a skeleton key. Even the key was beautiful, It had the same exact detail as the box. It was as if the key had been transformed to match the box's elegance and beauty. Then the thoughts of my parents came alive in me, the parents I never knew. Tears began to flow to my eyes. "Right everyone lets go back in and enjoy!" she chirps then starts a long line of people doing the konga all the way back to the marquee. My Aunt Malificent knew me all too well and she knew i wanted to be alone right now. 

"You truly are a mad woman!" I retort back towards her and see her crazy grin. i turned back to the box. To think that this belonged to my parents made me feel whole inside. I didn't have anything that could remind me of them so this beautiful box was perfect. I pick up the box carefully, making sure not to drop it, and carefully walked over to a bench which was underneath a large oak tree, which let in only few droplets of the moons rays, next to the lake. "Right let's open you up." I lift the skeleton key up and place it into the keyhole. However, as I turn it I didn't realise that my life would change forever. On this fateful night.


Author's Note.   Hey Guys!  I'm really sorry if this is a slow start but every story has a slow chapter and I promise you there will be alot of betrayal, love, lust, mysteries and truth! Please vote and comment^_^

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