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Moundsvils was a small town located in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin. It didn't have any particular characteristic. It was just like any rural small town in America. When 1976 arrived, it didn't grow as much as it had wanted to. It was so small that people who lived there knew every single inhabitant, and as you could expect, everyone was nosy and intrusive. In a matter of seconds, it was guaranteed that people would find out the latest gossip about their neighbors.

Beatrice had a nice reputation in her hometown and everyone probably thought that she was a perfect example of a young, pretty, happy, and pleasant wife that anyone would be jealous of. Yes, she got married four years ago to her high school sweetheart. His name was James, and they had been a couple since they both were seventeen. Their romance was pretty simple: he took her to prom as his date, he got a nice job in a factory in the closest city nearby right after graduation, and they tied the knot soon after he popped the question at the ripe age of twenty.

It was a common story, not that different from the other couples in this town. All of her friends from high school were already married and with children. Actually, she was the only one of their group who wasn't pregnant or didn't have any kids of her own yet, but that aspect didn't bother her. On the other hand, her husband was pretty eager to have the chance to welcome a baby, hopefully for him the first of two, and most of the time, he insisted on that issue. " If you obsess over it, it's going to be much harder, " she always said, but she knew it wasn't going to happen. She had been taking birth control pills, and hopefully he wouldn't figure it out too soon. For some reason she wasn't ready yet to have a kid with him, and even though he wanted one, it wasn't for the reasons that Trixie imagined other husbands would have. He only cared about living up to the expectations that his family had put on him, and the common standard of a 'true' American family.

There wasn't that much in her life that she could complain about. She had a nice home, a few good friends and it was rather a calm lifestyle. If she had to complain about something, though, it was the fact that it was boring. Incredibly boring. She had never had the opportunity to study or go to college, so she stayed at home, cleaning, knitting, sewing and sometimes, when she was in the mood, she would play her precious guitar. Having a warm dinner ready for her husband was her duty, and it had been like that since they'd gotten married, always unchanged. She guessed that it would be like that until she got old. The idea of that thought... left a bad taste in her mouth.

There's no excitement in her simple life, her marriage is so predictable and so normal that she is getting tired of it; and it's only been four years. If it wasn't because of her best friend, Dela, her daily routine would be downright awful.

Dela was a great example of an amazing human being. She was 27, and they had become close friends after she moved in next to the brunette's home four years ago. She was a skilled mother of three, a great friend, and an attentive wife, which made Trixie admire how she could keep up with everything. She had helped the blonde so many times, encouraging her and giving her the best advice ever - she even bought the birth control pills for Trixie so her husband wouldn't suspect a thing. Her friend probably worried more about Trixie than her own mom did, but that's another story.

What she didn't expect to happen that year was a quirky stranger who moved into the town, and that would change her life forever.


What was the name of this town? Mountainsvil? Monttsvil? She forgot again, trying to remember it, as she was moving her last belongings from her car to the inside of her new home. She had no idea where she was standing, but surely she hoped to be a perfect chill place for her to write. That's all that she cared about, or at least what she wanted to focus on.

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