Jealous Guy...or Girl

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That morning was pretty chill for being summer. He had already gone to work. When she stepped outside, she noticed what was the reason for the sudden change of temperature: a storm was coming and the sky was so dark, gray, and murky. Before the rain would fall, she went to her mailbox. As she went through the common bills, there was a strange letter, addressed to her. She frowned and curiosity overcame her senses. Once she opened it, all she was, was numb.


Two Months Before....

A few days had passed by since they had the cookout at Alyssa's home and Trixie hadn't seen Katya again. Part of it was because she hadn't called her again, she knew she was busy with writing and editing, but also for another reason that she'd been avoiding thinking about. Maybe almost screaming Katya's name during sex shouldn't be an important thing, and she wished it wasn't. Desiring that another woman would fuck her, on their bed, had her on the edge. Sometimes in a certain moment of the day, her mind would recall that and she would blush furiously, and continued with her day, trying to seem unbothered.

She acted as if nothing had happened, but her brain wouldn't leave her alone with those thoughts, so she wanted to keep herself occupied enough, in order not to overthink and hopefully forget about it soon.

One afternoon, Katya called her. She asked her if they could continue their stories in the book and in the speed of the light, Trixie said yes. Of course she did, she would have agreed in a heartbeat. She had the urgency of sharing more time with her, well the book was important too. Right, the book.

It was a mystery for her, the reason why she had this deep longing that she was hiding and repressing. Maybe she was fighting internally between the intrigue and the fear of what that meant.

Even though she was excited to be at her house again, there was an uncomfortable feeling deep inside of her. About that... that thing, that happened... On her bed. But obviously it was only her internal struggle, since she didn't believe Katya noticed how nervous she was the whole afternoon. Still, she had her eyes on the Russian almost the entire time, she couldn't stop staring at her, peeking from time to time as the other woman typed.

Luckily, when she started to tell her tales, she felt more relaxed. "My aunt used to be in a really shitty financial situation when she was young. She and my uncle were making pennies with their respective jobs, so they had to find cheap rents for them and my cousins." As always, the New Yorker was writing with incredible speed and concentration, every word that she was narrating to her. "So, as expected, they lived in so many different houses until they were more stable, economically. One of those houses was a pretty old one, as always," She giggled at the sudden cliche that in this case was real. Katya smiled, nodding in agreement as she typed. "But, keeping that in mind... There were three ghosts in that house!"

"What?! And how did you know that?" The other woman seemed fascinated by that fact.

"Because we saw them!"

"How... You... What's up with you and ghosts?"

She screamed, laughing loudly as always. "I know, what the fuck. Plot twist, I'm the witch of the town."

"Don't you dare to steal my fucking job!"

"I could never... Fill your enormous, big and gigantic shoes," she was grinning in delight as she teased her.

Katya wheezed, gripping her hand. "You fucking bitch, I hate you!"

"I'm pretty sure you could never hate me," The Midwestern said very confidently.

"You know what? You're absolutely right!"

"Well, as I was saying, before someone interrupted me, very rudely..." She cleared her throat and Katya giggled. "There were three ghosts... One of them was a man, he seemed to be a worker or a farmer by the overalls that we saw. The second one was a lady that you could see in the stairs, and the third one was also a woman that was always in black and she roamed in the second floor," Katya nodded as she typed "The day that my aunt moved in I saw one and it was the lady in the stairs. It happened when I saw her at the bottom of the stairs when my uncle was carrying a box, and as he went up, a woman crossed him, going down. It was just a few seconds and she disappeared. I only distinguished her blonde hair. Then, the first night that I slept there, I dreamed about the lady in black. In the dream, I saw her at the door of the room I was sleeping in, and when I woke up, it was open! But I had closed it before I went to bed, so it was creepy that she only stood there to watch me... I do remember that she told me to go away"

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