Chapter 3

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Nevaeh POV

I decided to go downstairs as well before they noticed my absence.

I went to the kitchen and poured water into my glass just to calm down a little. 

I chugged it down while there were so many thoughts running through my head about Karma the meanie.

I have a feeling I won't get along with him. 

I can't say no at this point. Just look at my parents they look so happy. The Akabane looks so happy also. But what about my happiness? Will I stay connected with this guy who is rude before marriage? What will he do after?

I was zoned out until someone touched my shoulders. I looked beside me and saw it was Mrs.Akabane.  

I faked a smile but I probably did a bad job hiding my anxiousness being because she asked,

"Honey is something wrong?" She said looking worried.

"I- uh it's n-nothing. It's just about work." I said doing the fakest smile ever.

"I know what you are thinking. Karma doesn't open up to people quickly. He needs time. He may come out as a rude and ignorant person now but I think you will change him." She said smiling.

We sat down at the dining table and she took my hands in hers. 

"Karma was very reserved. He was often bullied for his shyness and all that trauma turned him into a rock hard. He is cold to strangers and definitely not very sociable but I can assure you he has a great heart." His mom said with a smile.

"By the looks of it, he really does look mean." I thought to myself looking at him. 

I finally got the courage to ask her this hard question. 

"Did... Did her agree to this marriage?" I said nervously.

She opened her mouth to answer me but Mr. Akabane's voice was heard.

"It's pretty late dear. We should get going." Mr.Akabane said looking at his wife and son.

Mrs. Akabane nodded and got up and went to her family after giving me a hug.

I smiled at them as they wave goodbye at my parents and me as well.

I waved goodbye to Karma but all he did was ignore me and not even looked at me once he was in an angry face the whole time. 

And UGH with his fake smile in front of my parents not even cool.

I went to pick the dishes on the table and on the coffee tables. My parents were just talking to each other about the marriage in excitement. I guess I'm getting married to a cold-hearted person which I kinda don't want to marry but maybe after marriage he will be better.

As I went to Riku to wake him up and brought him downstairs I heard someone coming downstairs. 

I put Riku down and saw my sister with an angry face.

She looked at me and scoffed and went to my parents.

I didn't really care because she always hates me anyway.

"She is getting MARRIED." She said to my parents while I was playing with Riku.

"You guys don't care about me at all. Do you not consider me as your family? Was I going to find out on the wedding day?" She said getting really mad.

"WELL IF YOU ACTUALLY ACTED LIKE YOU WERE IN THE FAMILY AND CARED ENOUGH ABOUT US, WE WOULD TELL YOU... YOU BRAT." I snapped back because I couldn't bear to see my parents get disrespected like that. 

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