Chapter 8

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Nevaeh Pov

A week had gone by and both of us were busy with our work and barely interacting with each other. Karma was in his office most of the day and I was at my office making an anime.

I spent most of my time working and going on a walk for fresh air outside my office building,

It was the weekend meaning Karma wasn't going to work today.

I came down for breakfast but he didn't come down. I didn't want to pay much attention and assumed it was another one of his tantrums where he didn't wanna see my face. 

I also wanted a break from my heavy schedule and I realized I needed to go shopping for some new clothes.

After breakfast, I got ready and went to the mall.

I went to my usual clothing store and searched for some warm fuzzy sweaters and hoodies because that was my main purpose coming here. 

I picked out some decent hoodies and went to the kid's store to buy something for Riku for the next time I see him.

I saw a huge packaging of action figures and thought he might like it since he loves action figures. 

After I bought some clothes and some of Riku toys I headed home.

It was early evening and the sun was going down slowly. It was a golden hour.

I took a few pictures because it was so beautiful outside.

When I reached home I put my stuff in my room and came to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water because I have not drank much this whole day.

I saw the maid worried while setting a tray with water and pieces of cloth.

"Is everything alright?" I said looking worried.

"Karma is sick. He has caught a cold. I was just going to get his medicine-."

I Intrumpttedd her...

"It's okay I'll take it to him. You go rest. " I gave her a smile and told her not to worry.

She bowed to me and left.

I don't really know what got into me but I felt the urge to be there and felt like I was the one who was supposed to take care of him. I know he is mean and all but I gotta be nice for once and besides, he's sick and who knows what other disease he might catch if no one takes care of him. 

I didn't bother knocking and went straight inside. 

He was lying down on the bed and had his eyes closed shut and he was shivering because of the high fever he had.

I went towards him and set the tray on his table.

He opened his eyes and glanced at me and his weak expression quickly changed to a cold one.

"W-What are you doing here? Leave me alone. I don't want you here. I don't need-"

I shut him up by covering his mouth.

"Quit it, please. I am not here for you im just here to check your fever." 

Im trying to be kind to him and what he does back is to be rude to me. That's all he does. 

I sat on the edge of his bed and touched his forehead to check his temperature. 

He harshly grabbed my hands which made me flinch but I stayed quiet. My eyes softened looking at his weak state. He was burning with fever and I was sure that he was feeling miserable. 

I lowered myself and stood on my knees on the floor. My upper body on the level of the bed he was laying on. He was still holding my wrist tightly.

I softened my tone as I really wanted to give him some medicine because he is obviously not feeling well. I hate acting like this towards him.

"Karma please. Just listen to me for a little bit." I said looking into his eyes.

His grip on my hand loosened and his eyes were on me as he started with an unreadable expression on his face.

I smiled at him.

"Does your throat hurt? Just nod if it does. If you talk it would hurt and feel weird."

I said as I was sounding like im explaining to a child that's really stupid.

He slightly nodded.

I took out the required medicine and had them in my hand as I poured some water into a glass. I put both of those things on his table and helped him sit up.

He was having trouble swallowing them so I rubbed his back hoping it would help.

He laid down after he swallowed the medicine. 

I took the cloth and put it in water and squeezed the cloth making sure no water was dripping. 

I went up to Karma's forehead and was about to put the cloth on it but he resist so I should him my pleading eyes and he didn't stop me.

"W-Why are you helping? I've been rude to you since the night of our wedding." Karma said looking deeply into my eyes.

"Im trying to help you Karma but all you do is be rude to me. I know this marriage was unexpected and too quick since we are still very young but you don't have to be cold towards me, towards anyone."  I said looking back at him.

Karma just closed his eyes and relaxed. 

"How did you even catch a cold. Did you not wear warm clothing outside."

He remained silent and I knew he wasn't gonna respond. 

"I got a very warm sweater and some hoddies today- ah never mind." I stopped myself before I could continue. How foolish of me to talk to him as if he would care on bit about me and my damn hoodies. 

After doing everything to make him feel better, I was sitting on the floor next to his bed. My hands made their way to his head messaging it because I knew fever causes severe headaches.

I looked at the time and it was pretty late and it was time to go to bed.

"You should sleep now. I will be right here if you need anything. Your fever will come back during the night so if it bothers you tell me.  I will be awake. I am also leaving this lamp opened so you don't step on my face if you decided to go to the bathroom during the night." I said joking around to make him feel better.

I heard a little chuckle from him which made me smile.

"And also if you feel hungry call me so I could bring you food. Goodnight Karma."

Why am I acting like this towards a cold guy?

 I didn't lay down on the ground but rested my back on the side of his bed and just planned on closing my eyes.

I fell asleep pretty soon for a little bit.

(A/N: Hey guys hope you liked my story im getting more interesting stuff coming soon so stay tuned for the next chapter. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you!!!!)

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