
30 1 15


Daniel and Jack kiss. But they are home..


~time skip~

Daniel hears a knock on the door... He opens it and there was Jack. 

Jack: can we talk... about yesterday.... please

He says in the nicest was possible and I let him in. He comes into my room and sits on my bed. 

Jack: I know this will be very awkward but we need to talk. Like I need to get some important things across to you...

Daniel: sure, what is it Jack?

I say taking a seat next to him on the bed

Jack takes a deep breath.

Jack:I- I like you, Daniel, like a lot. I've never felt this way for no one...

He says looking at me in the eyes. I go red...

Bringing back memories from the toilet incident.

( Public toilet incident)

Jacks soft lips were on mine. His hands hugging me. I somehow had the urge to continue and deepen the kiss.. He gets his tongue and signals me to let him enter. I let him in as we both explore the new environment we have found. Our tongues swirl around as we fight for dominance. I end up losing as Jack pushes me against the wall. My hands travel down his shirt as I found a way under his shirt. I feel his well defined abs as he grabs my hands and put them on the wall. Pushing me against the wall still kissing. We finally pulled away and Jack looked down at me with his glossy eyes.

Jack: Daniel. Are you ok?

He says as I snap out of a daze

Daniel: yeah I'm good...just a little shocked...

Jack: yeah, it is a lot to take in.... I can go if you want bec- 

He says nervously as he stands up about to go. 

Daniel: no no, stay it's ok....

Jack takes a seat again next to me.

Jack:it's ok if you don't like me back, I just needed to get it across to you.. 

He says sadly as he looks at the ground. His eyes swelled up with tears as one tear falls down his cheek and his cute little bucket hat tilting.  I pull his chin towards me and wipe his tear with my thumb... He looks at me, not breaking eye contact. He leans in and so do I, we kiss. He moves closer to me as my hands cup his cheek. We pull apart..

Daniel: do you wanna go out? Tomorrow or even today..if you want

Jack:I would love to.

 He says as he places his forehead on yours, smiling...

But when you pulled away....

You see a figure by the door, peeping through the small gap...

With a tear running down its cheek....

The figure quickly disappears after two seconds.

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