Chapter 14 End of First Year

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"Well it's time for the end of the year feast" Harry said getting up to go to the Great Hall with the others walking with him. When the got there and sat down they noticed the decor was Hufflepuff colors 'I'm glad I thought of Time Turning so Adam Hogwarts could be here' Harry thought to himself.
After everyone comes in Dumbledore stands up to go into a speech but the door to the Great Hall opens and Adam Hogwarts comes in 'let the fun begin' Harry thought. Adam walks up to the head table and turns "Hello everyone I hope you had a good year this year and here are the points...Unbiasedly counted up" to which Adam pulls a parchment out "In fourth place is Slytherin with 50 points. Third is Gryffindor with 272 points. Second is Ravenclaw with 321 points. And First with a astounding 500 points is Hufflepuff" To which Hufflepuff cheered loudly. This was the first time since 1862 that Hufflepuff won the Cup "And that concludes the points announcing...and the House Cup all together, but before you get outraged I'm setting up a year cup between the 4 houses to hopefully eliminate the house rivalries that plague this once prestigious school" Adam clapped his hands and made 3 more tube holders and made them 7 wide labeling them 1st thru 7th years "I am also making Muggle Studies mandatory for Purebloods from first to fifth years as in Wizarding Etiquette is being reintroduced mandatory for all muggleborns or raised from first to fifth year and new electives for third years are Spell Creation, Latin, Occlumency, Muggle Art, Magical Art, and Music" Adam said taking a breath "and electives for 5th thru 7th years are Alchemy, Legilemency, will explain more on the rules for that later on, Sword Dueling, and Rune Creation" Adam finished "Now dig in" Adam said clapping his hands making the food appear...even adding Lasagna to the tables. They ate and went to their rooms and slept.
The next morning Harry woke up and kissed Tonks "Hey sweety" "Hey Handsome" Tonks said tiredly "Ready to go home?" Harry asked "Yeah" Tonks said. They got dressed and got on the train when Weasley and Granger came up "Harry mate what are you doing with this slut? Come on we'll get you away from her" Weasel said going to grab Harry's arm "Hex his dick off" Harry thought to Tonks "On it" she thought back hexing his dick off making Weasley run off in pain with Granger following. The others came in and they talked before Harry and Tonks fell asleep for the rest of the ride waking up when the train stopped and they got off and went home with the Marauders, Ted, Andy, and Lily

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