Chapter 2: 'Hello pup.'

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Sienna's PoV:

" Come here girl. "

The first man called out to me, hitting his thighs like I was a dog. Something in me liked it, trusted the man. I slowly started approaching the man, cautiously. Why was I approaching him? I don't even know him, and he kidnapped me. Why do I trust him? I stumbled a bit, like I wasn't able to walk, the van still spinning around me. I accidentally fell towards the man, he caught me and took me out of the van, sitting me down on the pavement by the van. I looked around, not recognizing anything.

I couldn't focus my vision on anything but I felt something wrap around my neck. It clicked at the side, but I couldn't protest against it. Whatever it was on my neck felt uncomfortably tight, but in some places cold. I whimpered at how cold it was. Wait, whimpered? I wasn't a dog, I was a human. Why did I make a Dog-like sound?

Everything became clearer and I could see a man in black coming out of the van, must've been the second one. He was holding something silver, but I couldn't focus on what it was. He then came right up to me and I tried to back up, away from him but I couldn't, the first man was holding me tightly. I, again, whimpered. I wondered why I kept whimpering like a dog, but the most important thing I was thinking about what the man was holding and why he was heading to me.

Sean's PoV:

The girl whimpered pathetically as I walked towards her. I scoffed and keeled down besides her. She had a look of fear on her face, and I grinned. I loved watching pets fear me. I grabbed the collar on her neck roughly and turned the handle to the back of her neck. The pet let out a Yelp, glad to see the concoction we injected into her worked. I connected the chain I held in my hands to her collar, and like that she was on a leash.

I stood up and grabbed her leash tightly in my left palm. I dragged it as I started walking towards the mansion  around the van. Liam went behind us and shut the vans doors and locked them. He then followed me and the dog that was whimpering and yelling, begging me to stop pulling her collar and hurting her neck.
" Be a little more gentle, boss doesn't want her hurt too much. "
Liam hissed at me. I turned to glare at him, slowing my pace and soon coming to a stop.
" Fine, if you think you're in charge, you take her to the boss. "
I snarled back at my colleague. He sighed and reached his hand out for the leash. I stared blankly at him, was he for real? I rolled my eyes and gave him the leash harshly, not caring about the pup's whining. He took the leash, more kindly and carefully than I did.

Liam's PoV:

I took the leash from Sean and gently started walking, making sure she was at my side the whole time. She lessened her whimpering and the noise she made in total.
" Come on girl, we have to get you to our boss and he doesn't want you hurt. Cooperate with me, and you won't get hurt again. "
I cooed at her. After my words, she became more cooperative with me, and walked besides me, being a whole lot shorter than me. She was about 5'3 and I was 5'11. I didn't bother to try and drag her with the leash like Sean, I wasn't heartless even if I was a vampire.

We approached the gate covered by vines and Sean walked over to the buzzer. He pressed it and answered a bunch of questions, along with getting his fingerprint scanned. The gates slowly opened and we entered with the pup. She was unnamed for now, and she would remain unnamed until the boss wanted to name her.

As we approached the big entrance, the butlers would open the doors and we would walk in, unfazed. Pup had a look of amazement imprinted onto her face.
" Knock that look off your face pup, it's normal. "
Sean pretty much snapped at her. She immediately looked down at her feet, I looked back at Sean, continuing to walk, but now slowing my pace. He gave me a look, one that just shouted 'What?'. I shook my head and gently tugged on her leash, beckoning her to follow me down the hallway to the right.

I took her down the hallway, and up to a big spruce door. Sean on the other side of the pup. I looked at the pup, and she looked terrified. I turned myself to her and keeled down on one knee, so I was around her height. I took her chin and gently pulled it towards me.
" You don't need to worry pup, boss won't hurt you. "
I reassured her as Sean sighed, impatient. I stood up and let go of her chin as Sean knocked on the door to Boss's office.

Sienna's PoV:

Sean, as I discovered his name was, knocked on the door infront of us. The two males standing by my side were tall, perhaps around 6' and I was only 5'3, so everything around me was taller, fit for their height.
" Come in. "
A faint but daunting male voice said. I gulped as Sean opened the door and Liam clicked his tongue, making me follow him into the room. I nervously bit my lip as I looked around the office space. I then focused my attention on the man in the chair. He had smooth, caramel like skin and deep brown hair. He looked up as we entered and gave me a smirk, making me feel uncomfortable but also happy.
" I got her, like you asked boss. "
Liam told him as I stared at the mysterious man. He was hot, I had to admit that. His eyes pierced through me, a jade color. It made me feel warm inside.
" Thank you, Liam. You and Sean may leave. "
He said, calmly. Liam and Sean both nodded, bowed and left. Liam let go of the chain that was attached to whatever was on my neck, I'm guessing a collar, as that was the only thing that made sense.

The 'boss' as Liam and Sean called him stood up and slowly walked around his desk towards me. Fear rolled off in waves from me and I think he knew that with the smile that he approached me with. I looked down at my feet, not wanting to lock eyes. The boss didnt like that, but his smile didnt falter. My chin was lifted up and my eyes locked with his. I took a shaky breath.

" Hello pup. "

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