Chapter 3: 'Amora.'

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Sienna's PoV: 

" Hello, pup. "

He said in his smooth tone, I was speechless. I heard the other two call me pup, but wasn't this guy going to ask for my name? I had butterflies in my stomach, was I falling for this guy? He chuckled deeply and walked around me. He went up to the doors and closed them slowly. I stood still, not knowing if he would be mad at me if I moved. I could tell that he was smiling as he turned around and started walking back to me.

He appeared behind me and took my waist in his grasp. I let out a small gasp, a silent one. He put his body right up to mine and I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He bent down to my ear, I could feel his warm breathing against my neck.
" Strip for me. "
He whispered softly into my ear. A puzzled look creeped onto my face as I slowly came to face him. He was smirking at me, like he was serious. I stood still, not wanting to strip.
" C'mon pup. Once you strip I'll give you a name. "
He whispered again. He was serious. He pushed me gently forward and took hold of my leash. I stumbled forward and turned around to face him. I backed away as far as i could, the leash restricting the length I could move away from him. He chuckled once more.

As soon as I closed my eyes to even blink, I was pinned to the wall besides the door. He frowned upon me. My wrists were above my head, pinned by one of his hands. I looked up at him, scared for my life.
" I said strip, otherwise I'll strip you. "
He said firmly. I took a couple of deep breaths and then nodded frantically. He gave me a smirk and realised my wrists, backing away and leaning against his desk.
" C-Could you turn around..? "
My shaky voice asked him. He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. He laughed in front of me and shook his head.
" No. If I want to look, I'll look. "
He said, sternly. I sighed, scared but wanting to get this over with. 

I slowly stepped forward and took my t-shirt off, revealing my plain black bra and most of my olive chest. I dropped the red top on the floor. I shakily took hold of the waist of my pants and wiggled them down my legs. Long, slender and slim. I stepped out of the pants and kicked the pants over to my top. I took off my socks and placed them in the pile of clothing. 

Before I could unhook my bra, the boss used his unnatural vampire speed to appear behind me and his warm hands traced the shape of my bra on my back. I shuddered slightly when his fingers touched my bare skin. His fingers slipped to the hook of my bra, and I heard the click. He unhooked it and gently slipped it off of my smooth skin. I felt exposed as my bra fell off my body.

His fingers then traced my curves and reached my underwear, taking it and slowly moving it down my legs  and when it reached my feet, as an auto response, I stepped out of it. I now stood in front of him, completely naked. I felt vulnerable.

He grinned and took my waist, turning me around to face him. He looked me in the eyes, and my stomach flipped over. He tucked my hair behind my ears and leaned in. His soft lips pinned to mine and I was taken by shock. He pulled back and licked his lips. He then walked away and opened a drawer in his desk. He picked something out and laid it on the desk.
" Wear these. "
He said firmly before sitting down on his chair. I slowly approached the desk and grabbed the items. I unfolded the pieces of clothing. It was black lace lingerie. I stared at it for a while before looking back at the boss. He was smiling, like he wanted this. 

I sighed shakily, and slowly took the first half of the lingerie. I slipped it over my head and onto my chest. I then took the second half, and quickly pulled it up my legs and it surprisingly fit well on my hips. I looked up at the boss and he smiled.
" I guess I should introduce myself before I give you a name. I'm Adrian. You will call me either Master or Master Adrian. "
He said simply, expecting me to follow his rule. I nodded shyly and his grin became wider. He approached me and stared down upon me.
" Now little pup… You need a new name.. "
He said, pondering. He traced my curves, then moving his fingers over the top of my breasts, and down, onto the bra and under. Tracing the line of it. His face then lit up, he thought of a name.

" I think Amora will fit you just right. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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