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Quackity pov:

"Nobody ever told you that staring is not nice," the boy said, I quickly looked down and felt that I was all red again...

the boy started laughing "sorry" I said softly but so that he could still hear me. "I forgive you" the boy said I looked at him and he sharply stretched out his hand "My name is Karl, are you?" the boy raised one eyebrow up "Alex" I replied to the boy shaking his hand to greet him, the boy smiled.

"I hope you don't cheat on me" I heard a voice behind me again I let go of the boy's hand and I turned around there was also a tall boy but not as much as karl. The boy had dark brown hair with a headband, black eyes, when I was staring at them, I didn't want to take my eyes off them. The shirt he was wearing was big and it was white with a fire in the middle, black pants with holes. 

"Hi Bubs, I got a new friend today called Alex" Karl said and pointed at me and he smile.

This whole Nick looked at me and smiled I must admit he has a very cute smile even though he looks like a murderer, I waved his hand and said a simple "hello"  

Suddenly Karl shouted "Hey Nick or Alex can come with us to the park after school" and he made puppies eyes, it shocked me a bit because they didn't even ask me if he wanted to, after school I was supposed to record an episode with Tommy, but how would it be over this to think it would be handy for me to take a momentary break and it would be fun to walk in the park.

 "hmmm, no problem for me, it will be fun" said Nick and then winked at me, great as I know life, I'm red like a tomato again, I hate that it is so easy to make me all red.

"Yyyy, see you at 3 p.m. in front of school. Alex bye," Karl said and grabbed Nick by the hand and they went down the hall. Well, it feels great that I'm going to die in this park. After 2 minutes of thinking about it, the bell rang, I'm great I'm late for another lesson. I started running to lessons, luckily I managed to make it in front of the teacher.

                                                           After all the lessons

Fortunately, after the whole day of school, so far the only subject that amazed me was History, which was taught by Mr. Philza Minecraft, maybe also because I know him because he is Tommy's dad, but anyway he teaches History very well. 

I was walking towards my locker to put away unnecessary books and notebooks. When I finally got to them, I saw a guy with horns like a ram, he was also wearing a blue sweater, he didn't look too friendly so I tried to avoid him, unfortunately this  didn't work... 

The ram-boy turned towards me, grabbed my hand and pulled "Hello sweetie" towards him, then blinked at me. "My name is Jschlatt and you sweetie?" I didn't really feel like talking to him so I figured if I just told him my name he would let me go. "Quackity" "wow what a cute name for a cute boy" I rolled my eyes as I tried to free myself from his grip.

"Okay, enough of that Schlatt" recognizes that voice it was Wilbur Tommy's older brother, not as good friends with him as with Tommy but also not bad "leave him, don't you see he doesn't want to talk to ugly people" wilbur said Jschlatt seemed super pissed off but he took a deep breath and smiled. "Oh please, who do we have here, Wilbur fucking Minecraft, what don't you know not to stick your nose in your business?" 

"Currently he's my friend and I can see that he doesn't feel comfortable so could you fucking let him go, I would be grateful" then he smiled but it was clear that he was pretty pissed off just like Jschlatt "oh fuck you" said schlatt and he let me go, I fell to the floor, off it hurt a little. Jschlatt was about to leave when he turned to me and said "goodbye baby" after these words I wanted to vomit, ughh this was getting worse and worse.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's a complete retard" I turned to Wilbur, who held his hand out for me to get off the floor."Thanks man, ohh and Wilbur, could you tell Tommy something? Unfortunately I won't be able to record an episode with him today" "Hmmm, why not" "Ohhh Karl and Sapnap asked me if I would go outside with them today" " mhmm ok ... "after that Wilbur sort of got sad? I don't know. I looked at my watch and saw that it's already 3pm oh my god I'm already late.

"Ok thanks Wilbur again but I have to go bye" after that I quickly ran in front of the school. After a while I was at school and I noticed Karl and Sapnap were laughing at some meme on Karl's phone. "Karl, Sapnap I'm here, sorry for being late," I shouted as I ran up to them, "Nothing's wrong, so are you ready for the adventure?" Karl asked and I just smiled and nodded yes. 

Well, it's time to see what happens next on this day...  


919 words 

so Hi guys soory that I wasnt posting but I dint had a motivation and I changed Idea It will not be only Karlnapity I wont to do something like Quackity harem but only ships will be here is Karlnapity, Quackbur and Schaltity (Schlatt x Quackity) only in the end you will knew what ship will win, do you like this idea? So yeah sorry for my mistakes in the words but is 3am and yeah...

Ok so have a good day/night❤

Ok so have a good day/night❤

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