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It was the first day of my new job, and I was 2 hours late. It was not the first impression that l would like to have given. I would usually have gunfire or grenades waking me up in the morning but that was the past. Now I had an alarm clock that didn't even work. I got dressed with the first pair of clothes my eye fell on tripping over my pants, eventually making it to my car, skipping breakfast. I took a few mints I had in the car to get rid of a some of my morning breath. As I drove I approached the highway to find that there was traffic jam. Just my rotten luck. It was so jammed that the cars weren't moving at all. I wondered why there was so many cars on the highway as it was way past peak hour, but I ignored that thought and just decided to call in and tell my boss I was going to be late. My phone rang for a few seconds then the line got cut off, I assumed it was the signal but shortly after, the ground shook. That had never happened before and it was not supposed to happen on that side of the country. "Just a small quake" I thought to myself. People were hooting like crazy and some people were actually running away from their cars. I put my head out the window to see what was going on. I was shocked to have found a giant hole that had formed in the middle of the highway. It consumed a numerous amount of cars and mine was going to be next. I did the only thing I could think of at that moment.

I abandoned my car and ran as fast as I could away from the hole, which was expanding every second. Whilst I ran I kept telling myself "Don't look back, don't look back" but I couldn't help myself. I rotated my head to try and see what was happening, but what I saw, I could not explain. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I froze, rubbed my eyes and turned around to face the irregular figure that stood meters away from me. "W-what the hell is that!?" I asked myself as I stared at the tall figure. It was an ugly pale white creature that stood at least seven feet tall with ..... a gun, firmly gripped in it's hands. A few seconds later more and more of them came out of the hole. Without any hesitation the creatures began to open fire on the innocent people that remained on the highway. They killed every man, woman and child before them. I ran for my life, luckily I was fast on my feet otherwise I would have been killed like the others before me. I ran all the way into the city where everyone was in a panic. No one knew what was going on, no one knew why those creatures were killing us. We all wanted answers, but none could give them. We were all left clueless. I saw an abandoned car with the keys still in it, without thinking twice I took it and drove. First place I thought to go was my parents house, I had to make sure they were ok. I would've called them but in all the chaos I dropped my phone back on the highway. I turned on the radio to see if the presenters had any idea to what was going on. All I could get was static.

As I was about to give up, I finally found a station that worked and the first thing the presenter said was, "There are numerous reports saying that monsters have emerged from the ground.... they are killing everyone in sight.... the population is dying quickly.... ladies and gentlemen please stay indoors and barricade your homes ..... may God be with you all. Cut! Cut! We need to go!" And just like that, the signal of the radio cut off. I tried to find other stations, but they were all the same. They were all cut off. My first thought was that this was maybe a UIR revenge attack against us for winning the war but I didn't let my mind linger on that thought. I just focused on getting to my parents and getting them out of the city at all costs. The questions began raging through my head, "What if the UIR didn't make them? Then what are those things? What do they want? Where do they come from? Why are they killing us?" The questions soon faded after I almost crashed into a van that was stuck on the side of the road. "Keep it together" I told myself. "I need find mom and dad, I hope they're ok." My parents house was about four hours away, high in the mountains in a more rural area. While I was driving I just kept hoping those things didn't get to my parents before I did. The one thing that I wanted to at least do was see my parents one last time before those things killed us. After four hours of driving I finally reached my parents house.

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