Chapter 13: Amos

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Amos' is portrayed by Leonardo Dicaprio and this chapter is shown from his pov.
I watched Zues get up to follow Jayde. I waited until he was far enough away to lean down and pinch his drink from where he left it sitting, considering I couldn't remember where my drink ended up.

Nobody objected, even if they did I wouldn't of listened.

I quickly swigged the alcohol before raising it to my lips downing it in one sip. To then stutter for the second time about a game of truth or dare. Which i was adamant i wanted to play even if it did come across slightly childish.

"How about if you choose truth, and I think your lying you drink?" A blonde speaks ushering me to pull my body fully forward clicking my attention back to the circle.

I nod slowly in agreement before saying slowly and longingly the rules also apply if you refuse a dare.

I felt a hand press gently against my shoulder while feeling a brisk air towards my ear, "Are you sure this is the best idea Amos, id truly like to avoid any unwanted confrontation... especially when your in this state."

Dalia worries too much, for someone so threatening when angry she could surely handle some fun gone bad.

"By all means little girl get lost if you don't want to play."

I repeated those words as they left my mouth before my brain could think again, and i felt Dalia's body slump away from me bringing herself back into the chair. I softly shrug before turning to her at my side telling her I'm sorry.

Which doesn't seem to stick very well. I can tell by the way her eyes roll to the bag of her head looking behind her, possibly searching for Jayde and Zues.

"So who's to start then." Manx's voice is almost like an echo. He says it twice before anyone listens to him and we all murmur in unison saying different names as we volunteer them to start.

Freya stands before clearing her throat demanding attention " Well since nobody else has the guts I want first go." She searches around before her eyes land upon me. "Amos truth or dare?"

Silly question "Dare" i say proudly but drunkly.

"Okay i dare you to kiss the most attractive person around the fire." I look behind me searching for hope of the return of someone but seeing as i cant see anyone past a couple feet i stand to return my eyes to the fire looking straight past Freya.

There a small brunette sitting at the edge of the log that looks relatively familiar to me but i cant make out how i know her.

"You." I point to her grabbing her attention

"I- um sorry i wasn't paying attention." she states " Im Fallon." She smiles accompanied with a small wave.

"I have been dared... to- um , kiss you." He stood proudly as he addressed her. For being drunk im pretty great at stringing my sentences together.

"Oh okay then" she smiles while walking over to me resting her palm on my cheek and swinging her arm around the back of my neck pulling me in to meet her with purpose.

Our lips meet and I pull my hands for my side to place them around her waist hugging her in passionately swirling my tongue in her mouth, losing track of the countdown i can hear being chanted behind me.

2..1.. then i feel both of Fallon's palms on my cheek pushing our lips apart as my jaw hangs in awe looking at her up and down before a cheeky smirk appear in my smile.

"Not bad blondie, definitely they best I've experienced... even if you probably won't remember this by tomorrow." As she leans in once more leaving a peck softly planted on my lips once more before she turns on her heels back to her seat.

I stand there still in awe reminiscing the dare i wish i could take over and over before feeling a slight tugging on my arm bringing me back to the seat.

Damn you Dez i was enjoying the moment before you rudely hit my with a reality check.

I clear my throat to ask Manx, and of course a second dare. "I dare... you to -um, down your drink and Freya's in 30 seconds."

I can hear Freya scoff saying she isn't finished with her drink but before she can finish her sentence Manx's has already drank the portion of his drink grabbing hers out her hand to finish the dare.

2..1.. just in time, Manx slams the two cups that are stacked with each other into the bonfire giving it a bit more light in their direction.

Rumbles erupted with cheers followed by a loud burp clearly from Manx himself.

"Okay Manx your turn." Freya says with a hint of slyness, then i see her eyes almost light up nodding her head towards Dalia.

This is when I realise this may or may not have been my smartest idea.

"Dalia truth or dare." She followed instantly with a sharp truth gaining groans from almost every Creeker present. Which was all of them.

"Come on now Dalia thats no fun, wheres your sense of adventure... danger. Did you leave that behind?" He taunted

"Don't stop the streak Dalia, were going three for three right now." Freya chips in.

I slowly find myself elbowing Dalia to egg her on, to shut them up. And she hesitantly gives in. " Fine fine, i pick dare."

Manx's smile grows as he opens his mouth " I dare you to a rematch with Freya."

Before Dalia can refuse Freya is already standing with a blades in each of her hands, the flames reflecting off the blade leaving a colour on the floor and suddenly i feel my body tense and sober up instantly.

Dalia's eyes flash with fear as Dez emerges putting himself in the middle of both girls, shouting and chanting emerging from the Creekers with screams from anyone else at the sights of the blades.

What have i got ourselves into.

Suddenly i catch Manx moving forward in the corner of my eye and i feel my feet move instantly to meet him before he gets in between Dez and Dalia.

And without thinking I raise my arm with every intention to punch his face. But i feel a strong grip on my arm before i get the chance.

"Hold on there mate don't do something you'll regret." Of course Saint Zues to the rescue. Not this time i wriggle my arm with strength for him to let go pulling forward and backwards with pace to loosen his grip.

Until i feel my elbow hit something as i wince, everything goes quiet almost as if everything is on pause. And i turn to see I haven't hit Manx with strength...

Instead i've hit Jayde.

I instantly turn to her shuffling my body towards her with regret and guilt as she pinches her nose and shuts her eyes, losing her balance putting her spare arm out in attempt to straighten herself up as she moves backwards .

Before loosing her strength completely as she falls unconsciously to the ground.

Hi, im still experimenting with chapter lengths hopefully i'll stick with this. Short but sweet.

I dont proof read chapters so if you spot any mistakes please point them out And comment and vote <3

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