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Waking up with a jump, the first thing I noticed was how much my body ached. My muscles screaming at me as I hurriedly tried to sit up. Ah yes, I was in the recovery suite following my battle in the second-year sports festival. I stared around at the blurry figures in front of me with wide eyes, they began to take on familiar shapes. I blinked. Deku, Lida, Momo, Tsuyu, and Mina, stood around the tiny bed and stared at me with equally wide eyes. Suddenly, everyone seemed to speak at the same time, and I tried to keep up with what they were saying.

"She's awake!" Deku shouted, punching the air.

"As class president, I highly suggest that we should get Recovery lady back to check up on her, she might not be fully healed yet," Lida ordered waving his arm in the air.

"Hold on, I'm class president too Lida. Give her some space, it must have been rough dealing with that asshole, he didn't hold back on her once" Momo frowned.

"Asshole," Mina chimed in.

"Ribbit. He looked surprised near the end Urakaka," Tsuyu croaked.

The events of the day flooded back into my head. The battle with Bakugo, it'd been very similar to our first-year fight. I had been so close to winning, again if I could have just touched him once. I should have tried harder; I could have won! An overwhelming feeling of sadness bloomed inside my stomach as I stared down at my legs. Anger bit into my heart, nausea rising in my chest and tears stung my eyes. My hands clenched into fists. They were my friends, they cared about me, but their words still stung. Why should he hold back against me when I'm a hero too? How can I improve if I'm babied all the time? Do they really think that I'm weak?

"How do you feel Urakaka? Are you hurt?" Mina asked concern etched into her face.

"How do you think she feels after dealing with that? He didn't go easy on her last time either, he should have learned his lesson when she was knocked out then," Momo remarked.

"Oh, I feel fine!" I smiled at them. It would hurt their feelings if I told them the truth; that I was heartbroken they thought they had to protect me, that everyone should go easy on me because I'm a weak girl. The tears would come later in my bedroom. I had to get there first.

"I'm a bit sore but who wouldn't be after a fight with Lord Murder Explosion Man or whatever he calls himself". My attempt at humor seemed to satisfy them enough that I was feeling okay. They watched in silence as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. As I moved, I noticed I was still wearing the black tank top and slightly scorched school trousers.

"No offense but you need a shower, you smell like a burned chip," Mina laughed, she scratched the back of her head.

"Mina!" A chorus of voices yelped.

"Ah, she's probably right. I'm honestly feeling so much better so let's head back to our dorm so I can grab a shower". My face heated, I'm sure it was turning a nice shade of beetroot. I was grateful for the company as we walked back to our shared dorm. It had been decided that students must live on the grounds while studying at UA in order to protect them. Thankfully the wind was cooling my flushed face, a small smile reaching my lips as I embraced the cold. The anger still lurked underneath my skin; I couldn't get it out of my head that they thought I was weaker than them. They thought they should protect me. I'm supposed to be a hero in training, I'm supposed to protect others! Once we had reached our building, Lida stepped ahead and opened the door for everyone to hurry through. Before I got to the door, I quickly glanced up at the evening sky with a silent vow forming in my head. I would become better, stronger, faster. They wouldn't feel the need to protect me anymore.

It was 4:30 am. I had been struggling to sleep all night which probably had something to do with the fact I already slept four hours while recovering. For the 99th time I turned over, my thoughts swirling in my head mimicking angry bees unrelenting in their torture. Since I got back to my room, I had tried to stop doubting my hero abilities, unfortunately, nothing seemed to be working. The steaming hot shower didn't work, the self-affirmations didn't work, and the early night didn't work. A long sigh escaped my lips as I rolled into an upright position. Flinching at the sudden noise, my stomach growled demanding to be listened to. Tipping my head to one side, I contemplated sitting in the shared common room with a hot cup of tea and maybe some mochi? I nodded to myself, mochi made everything better.

Squaring my shoulders, I stuffed my feet into my pink slippers and lightly padded in the direction of the shared common room. No one would be up this early, but it was still a relief that comforting darkness covered everywhere. It would have been so embarrassing to see someone else in here, I did not want to force conversation with anything this early in the morning. Mochi was the first priority, I opened the freezer smiling at the sweet treats as I placed two into a bowl before boiling the kettle. The remaining mochi placed back in the freezer, I waited for the kettle to boil while figuring out where to sit in the common room. Scrunching my nose, I decided I'd sit near the big window as the moonlight would provide some natural light.

I set down my bowl on the table near the sofa, this was what I needed. I felt relaxed already. As I turned to walk back to the boiled kettle, I saw a large black hoodie draped across the back of the sofa. Huh? My eyes automatically scanned the dimly lit room in a panic. No one was here. I frowned at the hoodie. It wasn't unusual for someone to leave their stuff in the common room but this one looked unfamiliar. My curiosity peaked when I picked it up, it was so damn soft! My nose scrunched again, I sifted through the options in my head. It was too big for Deku, Lida never wore them and it was way too big for Mineta. Tea was forgotten about at this point, I sat with the hoodie frowning at it as if it had just offended my family. It was hard to figure out who's it was when we hardly got to wear our ordinary clothing. It could even be one of the girls.

I sniffed the sleeve.

My insides clenched and I melted into it.

"Oh wow!" I squealed. I sniffed again. It smelled like.... like sugar? Burned sugar? It smelled like a delicious dessert cooking, like mouth-watering good. A blush formed in my cheeks. It was obviously Sato's because he was always baking something delicious. Some strange feeling curled inside me, I wanted to be enveloped in the scent. Before I could fully understand what I was doing, I stuffed my arms into the sleeves heavily breathing in the scent shivering with pleasure. What the heck was this smell? It was obviously way too big for me. My mind raced, I was too excited to remember I had mochi to eat. It smelled like heaven! I took another deep breath in. It was overwhelming.


The door from the bedrooms to the common room squeaked open. I froze. A deer in headlights. A large dimly lit figure walked into the kitchen area and opened the fridge. In the dim light I could see the blonde spiky hair, the frown and the crimson red eyes. Bakugo! My eyes widened in horror. What was he doing awake? There was no way I could run without been caught. He would see me being a weirdo! Who tries on someone else's hoodie? The boy turned his head looking towards my direction and I saw his eyes narrow at me. He stood up straight and walked over to where I was sat.

"Take that off," He growled.

"What...I'm so..." I stuttered, shutting my eyes waiting to be blown to bits. After a few seconds, I peeked out of one eye to see him staring at me with a bored almost irritated expression. It can't be his hoodie, it's Satos. It's not his, he can't smell that good. He continued to stare at me. I shouldn't cower in front of him, I'm a hero. I'm a hero. I'm a hero.

"I am so sorry Bakugo...I just Uhm I was trying to work out who it belonged to and I sniffed it and it smelled really good, so I put it on. I know that sounds weird, right? Anyway, I think it's Satos so I'll give it back to him tomorrow in the morning". I squeaked. I am now apparently a dormouse hero. My eyes flicked up to his face, he tilted his head with a confused expression.

"It's mine". Even though he wasn't shouting, it still sounded menacing when he talked in a hushed tone.

"I didn't know!" I squeaked. 

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