(3) messages

18 0 0

8:50 AM


7:49 AM

I'm so sorry, I fell asleep

You awake?

11:57 AM

yeah hi, sorry. been sleeping a lot

Do you have any plans for today?

no, i mean, i don't really have anywhere

to go, nor do i know anybody here

Hey, that's ok. I can't exactly drive all

the way to Jade Falls, but maybe

we could do something together?

Do you play League of Legends?

that's actually one of my favourite

video games, but i'm not very good

It's okay, I'll carry you :)

What's your ID?

Empress Tiff

Soraka main? Typical

I'll be on in a few minutes

<3 sorry

3:49 PM

hey thanks for playing with me today

even though I'm not nearly as skilled

as you, it really means a lot.

Don't thank me, I had so much fun.


I have to go to this thing at my

friend's house, but I'll talk to you when

I get back, I promise.

ok! bye!

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