(9) messages

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9:50 PM


9:45 AM

I had a dream about you

1:54 PM

seriously? about what

There was a harsh storm, and you were

struggling to stand up, so I held you in my

arms as I protected you from the wind

adam, why would you dream about me



Are always on my mind

i don't deserve it stop

Tiffany, listen

I haven't stopped thinking about you since

the day we met. The way you think about

everything, it's so special, and god, your

cute, sweet voice. The point is, I really like

you and pardon my dumb self if I'm wrong

but I think you might like me too.

Can we be something?

I'm scared

I'm so scared

I'm afraid of this

but I like you too adam

do you want to be boyfriend and


YES :)


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