17. A Family

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"You're forgetting how to breathe," Five informs Elisa, but she already realized that. She attempts to breathe again, but has no idea how. How does she breathe?

A chuckle fills hear ears before Five reaches for both her wrists to stop Elisa. He succeeds, and she's forced to stop in her tracks. Then he folds his fingers over both her wrists while he raises his other hand. His fingers trail over her lips.

"Breathe," he whispers, and finally Elisa does. She inhales, breathing in Five's smell. Her shoulders fall a little, relaxing. A relieved smile comes upon Five's lips. "I can't have you fainting now."

"I don't faint." Elisa finds her voice again.

"Too bad." Five smirks as he leans closer, so that their faces are just inches apart. "I'd have liked to carry you in my arms."

Elisa tilts her head a little, a smile coming onto her lips. "I wouldn't stop you. . ."

"You better not." Five chuckles at her reaction. "But first, let's go." A quick peck gets placed on Elisa's cheek.

The hallways are long, and the way downstairs seems endless for Elisa. It's a massive house, even for Elisa who has lived so long in the commission. It feels like there always more and more halls and rooms. It doesn't stop. Finally, they arrive at the stairs. From there, Elisa can see the way to the living room-and that's where there are people. Five's siblings. Some are sitting down, some are standing.

A smile creeps onto Five's lips when he notices Elisa's eyes on his siblings that are now just a few steps away. "They'll love you," he murmurs against her throat as they descend the stairs. The touch of his lips against the skin makes Elisa close her eyes in both anxiety and relief. It's hard to know what you feel when Five's so close.

"Here we go." Elisa's voice is shaky, but Five understands her. He squeezes her hand softly to reassure her, and it helps-a little.

The two enter the living room, and all the eyes are immediately on Elisa. One man rolls his eyes, seeming to find the idea of Elisa in here awful. A woman who Elisa recognizes, Allison, smiles at the girl. She told herself not to, but Elisa does lay her eyes on Diego. He appears to be watching his glass of water very carefully. Elisa knows he's just avoiding any eye contact, and she's glad he's doing so.

"Diego told us that we had a visitor," Allison says, still smiling.

"He did," Five mumbles, but doesn't look at Diego. Allison doesn't say anything more-maybe that means that Diego didn't tell anything more than that. Elisa hopes so. "Everyone, this is Elisa Brookle."

"Hello," Elisa says quietly, hoping everyone hears it. Everyone did-maybe not the one that's currently half asleep on the table. Elisa watches him as she wonders.

Allison laughs shortly when she notices this. "Don't mind him too much, Elisa," she tells the girl. "That's Klaus. I'm sure he's not paying any attention. He never does."

"Never," the big man, the one that still seems rather grumpy about Elisa being here, mutters.

"I'm Allison," Allison tells the girl, reaching for her hand to shake it. With a smile coming onto her lips, Elisa accepts, and she shakes the woman's hand. "That's Diego." The woman then points at him, but he's still looking downward, ignoring the eyes on him. "You've already met him, of course."

Elisa's cheeks redden a little immediately. Yes, she has met him, but she doesn't want to remember it. He doesn't want to, either.

"Now, that's Luther." Allison points at the big one, Luther. He, again, doesn't reply enthusiastically. Only a gesture with his hand greets Elisa. "Oh, come on, Luther." Elisa rolls her eyes. "Can you at least try to be kind?"

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