29. Don't Burn Them To Ashes

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After killing its leader, it's easy to walk into the Commission. The fog has lessened, and has even almost disappeared.

No one found the handler, though. There isn't even a trace left of her. Not a single hair.

But they searched. Assassins and other employees flooded the courtyard, and they searched for every piece that could be a part of the handler. Even Gloria joined everything.

It was a surprise when Elisa and Vanya found Herb in the hallway of the room full of time capsules. He didn't say a word, but he had an understanding expression on his face as he handed Elisa a capsule.

"Thanks," Elisa mumbled quietly while Vanya hid behind her, scared of everyone and everything. Elisa understood her. Everyone who comes even close to the Commission changes. It was bound to have an effect on Vanya, too. Elisa just hoped it wouldn't change her as a person.

Blue light appeared, and blue light disappeared. It went rather quickly. Yet, it did not feel so for the two women. For Elisa it felt like it took at least ten minutes, and for Vanya even longer. No more words were said, too. No words had to be said. The two knew each others' thoughts and pains. They knew.

Now, Elisa throws the capsule away. On the ground. To the other side of the room. She doesn't want to be reminded of her actions. That is why she ignores all the very curious and worried eyes upon her.

Vanya, too, doesn't seem phased by the many eyes. She's been through much worse, Elisa figures. Some curious siblings are nothing next to the Commission.

Vanya her shoulders fall, relaxing a little more when the blue light is completely gone.

"You're here!" Allison's amazed, relieved voice sounds. It doesn't take long until Vanya is in her arms. Allison can't look happier; an immense smile places itself on her lips. But Vanya doesn't seem happy at all . . . again. The only reaction Allison receives out of her is Vanya patting her back softly. Nothing more.

"Vanya!" Diego jumps on his feet, off the couch, and he hurries himself to his sister. "You're alive." He sighs in relief, waiting for his turn to throw his arms around her.

His smile falters when Vanya shakes her head, not wanting another hug, but he understands her. They all do.

"Elisa," Five whispers, walking up to her. His eyes are wide, and his actions are careful and slow. He has every right to be this careful. After all, he knows the Commission and its effect on people. "You brought her back."

Just like she told herself, Elisa does not make eye contact with anyone. Not even Five. Not even Vanya.

"Brought her back," Elisa replies. "She's alive." Not knowing where to go, Elisa leans her back against the wall. She doesn't want to be here. No, she wants to crawl under some blanket and bawl her eyes out. That won't work—not yet, at least. Elisa doesn't even know if she wants to crawl under a blanket in the Umbrella Academy. But next to that, does she still have a place? Does she have a place where she belongs?

She does.

The apartment Mor and her shared. The place where Francis is still waiting for her.

Having decided, Elisa straightens herself. Ignoring the many questions that everyone asks the two—but especially Vanya—Elisa heads towards the door. This makes the eyes fall on her again, but she ignores this, too. Nothing can really catch her attention.

Not even Five reaching for her hand in order to stop her.

"Where are you going?" he asks, following Elisa immediately. "Don't go, Elisa."

She doesn't reply. She can't even part her lips. It all feels numb, and it takes over her body. It's different than the monster inside of her taking control, though. This time, she can shut out the voices while she couldn't do so last time. She can shut everything off.

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