Chapter 3

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We kept on walking around the building and going up to a certain floor. I followed behind Kuon and Sniper since it looked like they knew where we were going.

"Where are we going? We've been taking turns and going up stairs for the past 15 minutes." I comment and they both turn to me.

"Mr Mask said that there's 2 high school girls here too! You and I will go with them!" Kuon exclaimed.

"By 'You and I' who are you referring to? I'm not leaving Sniper's side. That motherfucker can't kill me and he has a gun, so of course I'm going stay with his ass." I retort and Kuon slightly frowns.

"You need to go with girls your age. You're all in high school and are really strong, so just stick with them." Sniper sighs and stop by the corner.

"I don't want to go with other high school girls. They're all fucking obn-"

"Stay back!" Sniper put a hand out to stop me once we heard the sound of someone talking to another person.

I tried to get a peek of what was going on, but he pulled me towards him and then made me face Kuon.

"You're going to get yourself killed." He whispered into my ear. I chuckled a bit to myself and sighed while gripping onto the top of the bat.

We stayed there for a few seconds and decided to follow them. It was 2 hot high school girls wearing uniform's with an old man wearing a zoo keeper's costume or some shit.

We got on this building and started watching them for a while, they fought for a little bit and then Sniper started telling Kuon that since she doesn't have powers to physically help her she's going to have to work with what she has.

"I got it!" Kuon pulled out her phone and started taking pictures of a building and then clicking more stuff on it. A drone sound was heard behind us suddenly and we both got up.

"What the hell is that?!" Sniper asked while admiring the building that was powering it up. The building shot down another building letting a hard breeze hit up.

My feet started slipping a bit and I tried grabbing onto the concrete. "Fuck, how powerful is the wind?!"

I kept on trying to grab onto the concrete, but felt a hand grab onto mine. My eyes trailed from his hand all the way to his mask.

"You're basically a Mask and some wind messes you up?" Sniper teases me while pulling me closer to him.

Once the wind stopped I let go of his hand and sat down against the wall and tilted my head up to look at him.

"Leave me alone, damnit." I look away and hear him sit down next to me. Sniper lights up a cigarette as usual, but then stops.

I felt his hand touch my thigh and then he made his way to my garter belt and socks. One of his fingers slid under my sock and just started examining it.

"What the fuck... If you wanna fuck just say that! You sound pretty hot anyways." I smirk at him. I couldn't tell what his facial expression was at the moment, but he was just staring at me.

"M-Mr Mask?" Kuon calls out for Sniper and he looks at her. She had blush all over her face and looked like she needed to say something, but didn't want to.

"Why are yo-"

"Oh wait. Look just on time." Sniper looks over to the Mask who was bringing a book bag. Sniper took the book bag from the Mask and set it down.

"What were you going to say, Kuon?" Sniper asks. Kuon just looks at him and shakes her head.

I walked over to them and crouched down to unzip the bag. "Holy shit, there's food in here? They have guns and knives too."

I took out some of the knives and a little box of food. The box had a sandwich, a salad and an apple juice box along with it. Even though we were in a dystopian world at least they fed us.

Kuon and Sniper grabbed some food as well and pushed the bag towards me. Sniper started taking his mask off but Kuon stopped it by putting her hands on his face.

"Oh, you're a little close..." Sniper put his hand on his mask and backed up from her a little. She had her usual flustered face and looked at him.

"Let's all eat looking away from each other so we won't see your face, okay?!" Kuon takes her food and turns around while sitting down.

"I don't really care if you guys see my face. It's not like it's a big deal." He starts taking off his mask again letting his hair cover a big portion of his face.

I stay there looking at him while he opened up the salad and started eating some of it. His hair was covering his face, so all I saw was the bottom portion of his face.

"It's a bit weird when people watch you eat." Sniper lifts up to his head to look at me revealing his whole face.

My eyes widened and I felt my legs go weak. He just tilted his head and gave me a puzzled look. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, how the fuck wasn't I able to look at your face earlier. You're fucking hot, holy shit..." I lean in towards his face to get a better look at him.

He went back a little, but then came back to where he was before. I kept on looking at his face and then made eye contact with him for about 30 seconds.

"M-Mr Mask and Miss Y/N? Why are you guys so quiet?" Kuon breaks the silence and he moves back to continue eating.

"Nothing just uh, eating." Sniper makes up an excuse while finish his food and then putting his mask back on.

"Okay, you can turn around now." He lets Kuon know. She walks over to us with a smile, but it slowly went away.

"Mr Mask... Can I ask why your hand is on Miss Y/N's t-thigh..." Kuon points to us and I trail my eyes down.

Sniper's hand was on top of my mid-thighs rubbing the garter belt that was strapped on. He looks down and takes away his hand immediately.

"I-I'm sorry, that won't happen again." Sniper apologizes while standing up and picking up the book bag that the Mask left for us.

I stand up as well and start stretching while taking the bag away from him. "No need to apologize. You're hot and respectful, I wouldn't mind sleeping with you." I smirk at him and he looks away.

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