Chapter 12

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It's been a few months ever since we came back from that dystopian fucking nightmare. The Mask abilities stayed with us, and we see Yuri and Mayu from time to time. Luckily I graduated just last week, so now I could spend more time with Yuka! The only thing is he follows me everywhere...

"I'm getting tired, I'm going to bed..." I yawned and started tucking myself into bed. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and felt the bed sink a bit.

I opened my eyes and saw Yuka unbuttoning his shirt. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked with a bit of attitude. I turned around and pulled the blankets closer to my body.

"You said you were tired, so I'm going to sleep too." I felt him pull my body closer to his and he pulled the big blanket over the both of us.

"You mine as well move in with me at this fucking point. You're paying rent for your apartment and you don't even stay there!"

"Maybe I should... Look at me real quick, Y/N." Yuka starts tugging on the blanket I had wrapped around me. I groaned and sat up to look at him.

"Come on Yuka it's la-"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll fall asleep soon..." Yuka lays his head down on my lap and kissed my hand softly.

I stayed there just running my fingers through his hair for a few minutes. I tried waking him up, but it looked like he was already asleep.

"You're so fucking cute..." I whispered to myself and planted a kiss on his forehead. I moved him back on the bed and got up to walk over to the kitchen.

"He left his fucking laptop on again... This is why the damn electricity bill is so high." I thought to myself. I walked over to his laptop and low-key wanted to see what he was looking at.

"Just one peek... No you fucking whore, it's his privacy!... One peek can't hurt though right?" I closed my eyes and then sighed. The computer light was blinding me so I squinted my eyes to see what he was looking at.

"Different flavor cakes? I thought he told me he was more of a brownie guy..." I rested my face on my hand and started looking at his tabs.

It was like he never closed them, he had at least 20 tabs open and half of them were just job shit.

"Emails, emails and more fucking em- WikiHow? What the fuck..." I clicked on the tab and saw the little green screen pop up. In big bold letters, it stated...

"How to propose to your hot-headed girlfriend."

I stared at the screen for a while with my eyes widened and then closed the laptop. My brain still needed some time to process whether I was just imagining things or I actually read that right.

"I'm just tired... I did a 9-hour shift for fucks sake..." I got up and started walking back to the bed to lay down with Yuka. His hair was covering his eyes again, so I pushed it back a little and traced my finger around his scar.

"What took you so long?" Yuka asked, still having his eyes closed. I flinched a little and then rolled my eyes.

"I thought you were asleep..." I laid down, facing him, and brought the cover over us. "I was until I didn't feel you anymore. That and I heard you mumbling something in the living room."

I hesitated a bit and just told him that they were no more tea bags. Luckily, he fell for it and just fell back asleep with his hand caressing my thigh.

The next few days were a tight schedule for both of us. I would go to the cafe to work from 9 AM - 6 PM and then come back home to cook since Yuka didn't know how to cook for shit.

He would clean though, he was surprisingly really good at that. On days where the both of us were just so tired we would order take-out. Today though neither of us worked, he still told me to wake up early.

"It's 7 fucking AM! Why do we need to wake up at this time?!" I whined and drank some of my black coffee, in hopes of keeping myself awake.

"They're going to be here soon. It's not like it's much though, it's just my clothes and some pictures." Yuka explained. I looked at him weirdly and then heard the doorbell ring.

He walked over to it and saw a guy with 3 boxes and a notepad. "Uhh, I gotta small moving order for Yuka Makoto. Is that you?" The man asked and Yuka nodded his head.

"M-MOVING ORDER?!" I choked on my coffee and started running over to the door.

"Yeah, for Yuka Makoto. Also, the landlord said that everything was fine. It looks like you're moving in with someone, so I hope everything works out well between you two!" The man smiles at us and then starts walking back to his truck.

Yuka picks up the boxes and starts moving them inside. He moves them to the room and I hear the hangers start moving around.

"Since when did you give up your apartment?! D-Don't take it the wrong way though! It's not that I don't want you here, you basically live here now, but I mentioned that shit a few days ago and you did it!"

He finished fixing his clothes and he stood in front of me, placing both of his hands on my shoulders.

"If you want me to leave then I completely understand. But I'm moving in with you because I really care for you, Y/N. I'll pay bills, clean and even learn how to cook if you want me to! I just... I really care for you and don't want to leave your side."

I stood there silent and still for a few seconds just looking into his eyes. "W-Was that too deep? Did it sound weird?"

"No, you're fine! I just really l-"

"I-I LOVE YOU TOO!" Yuka yells and we both go quiet.

"W-Wait what?! I mean you do?!"

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