Chapter 37

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[yes yes I'm still alive-,-]

Lisa was now inside the delivery room, she's gaving birth to their first born baby, while Jongin was beside Lisa holding her hands.

She was having a hard time giving birth coz she's too young, it took too long for her when her child finally came out

"Look Lisa our little angel looks like you, so cute" Jongin said while tearing up as he saw his daughter, he wiped Lisa's sweats she's exhausted after a few minutes she fall asleep, the nurse clean her up then settle her in a fine room.


"Jennie c'mon it's almost a year since Lisa left yet you're still sulking there waiting for her" Jisoo unnie exclaimed, i look at her and rolled my eyes.

"You don't understand unnie, it's still painful for me, every day, every hour, every minute, and every seconds i think of her, i miss her so bad" i sighed, i miss everything about my baby she's my happiness i felt empty right now, i need her warmth to strengthen me.

"that's fine we're here, just be patient she'll comeback okay?" she patted my back, i nodded.

"do you think my plan worked?" i asked her and she just look at me confused, i smirked.

"what plan?" she asked, i shrugged.

"you'll know it soon" i stood up then head to my bathroom.

End of Jennie's POV

On the other side, Lisa just finished changing her daughter's clothes, it's been 8 months since she gave birth to Ella, her daughter.

She has Lisa's plump lips, and pluffy cheeks, while her eyes? maybe she got it from her aunt Jennie, she has cat-liked eyes.

and about Lisa's condition, she's more matured now than before, she's doing fine and she's normal now after she finished all sessions.

"Lisa honey let's go" Jongin brought their daughter's bag, they were heading to airport, they decided to go back to Korea since Lisa was so excited to surprise everyone with their little angel.

"Are you hungry lil angel?" Lisa asked Ella who's sitting on her lap playing with her father's hand, Ella just look at her then continue her business.

"why are you so cute" Jongin gently pinch Ella's cheeks then chuckle.

"because she got my beauty" Lisa confidently said, Jongin agreed then kissed Lisa's forehead.

Time passed. They arrived at Kim's Residence, Lisa pressed the doorbell continuesly while Jongin carry Ella who's watching her mom, Lisa was so excited to introduce Ella to them.

the door opened and a shout was heard that startled them "WHAT THE F-" Jennie didn't get able to finish her curse when she saw Lisa smiling at her, she's shocked to see the love of her life standing in front of her.

"Jennie who's that" Jisoo's eyes widden as she saw Lisa and Jongin standing outside with Ella.


I got shocked when i saw Lisa in front of me, am i dreaming? oh please if yes i don't wanna wake up anymore.

"you're so rude, let us in" Kai interrupted my thoughts, I notice a lil angel looking at me, who's that? she looks like a little me hmm

"oh yeah come in" Jisoo said and let them in, they enter while Lisa hugged me and whispered.

"you're not dreaming daddy, i miss you" then she leaves a tiny kiss on my bare neck that sends me goosebumps, did she? did she just call me daddy?

"L-lisa, i miss you so bad" i stare at her eyes deeply i hugged her, my tears started to fall one by one as i finally feel her warmth after a years that felt forever.

Shr cups my cheeks then wipe my tears "shh don't cry i won't leave you again" she assured then kiss my forehead

we head in the living where mom and dad is, Kai and Jisoo was their already with the lil angel who's now sitting at mom's lap

"Look Jennie, ur niece looks exactly like you and Lisa" Mom said then chuckle while they play with her.

oh my ghad, niece? so it's Lisa's daughter? oh gosh no no no does my plan worked? my heart started to beat rapidly.

"hmm maybe Jennie is the real father" Jisoo unnie chuckled together with dad, I saw Kai clenched his teeth.

"hmm maybe, why don't we take a DNA test right Jongin?" i smirked at my fuming brother.

"yah stop it" Lisa sat next to mom then carry Ella "Jennie, her name is Ella" i carry Ella who exactly looks like me.

"Jennie is right, take a DNA test asap" Mom smiled at me, i smirked.

well, Kai already enjoyed enough maybe it's my turn, Lisa was mine in the first place tho

"sure, maybe tomorrow" i winked at Lisa "hi baby Ella" i poked her cheeks and she giggled. Jongin stood up then suddenly walked out, Lisa sighed.

"Jennie, Can we talk?" Lisa asked, i nodded then gave Ella to mom, Lisa stood up then follow me, we head to my room.

as we entered, Lisa gave me her stern look that make her more hotter, i sat on my bed while she locked the door and approach me. I stood up then wrapped my arms around her waist, i sniff her neck then look into her eyes.

"baby are you mad?" i asked with my husky voice, yes I'm trying to turn her on i missed her.

"No, I miss you" she wrapped her arms around my neck then peck my lips "you know, i have a guts that you're Ella's father that's why I'm so excited to come back here" i smiled at her, see? she's actually into me.

"i know hon, it's obviously me just by looking at Ella's figure" i said then  kissed her neck, "we'll have a DNA test tomorrow to prove Kai, but now let's enjoy each other's warmth because i miss you" she nodded as a agreement and start our business.

i guess, this is the last day Kai will enjoy his life because it's my turn to ruined him, he'll probably regret that he's still alive. Sorry brother, but what's mine is mine. i smirked at my thoughts

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