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Roxy's P.O.V
     I woke up in an unrecognizable room. I looked around to find that it was a hospital room. I rubbed my head and looked to my left: I saw my dad sleeping in a chair right next to my bed. I shook him gently, he woke up. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?" He asked.

        "My head still hurts" I told him, "but other wise I'm fine."

      "I'm glad."

      "Is he...?"

      "He's gone. He's gone for good, we did an exorcism."


Just then, the doctor came in, "ah, your awake" he said smiling, "you are can be discharged today. We just need your dad to sign some papers and you guys can leave."

"Ok" I said. He leaves. I pulled the blankets off and turned my legs off the bed and stretched. I put on my shoes and stood up, dad stood up too.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked.

I nod, "Yep."

"Ok" he said, "I just need to sign the papers and then we can leave.

"Ok" I said and we went out is to the hospital lobby. Dad signed the discharged papers and we left.

At Home
I was sitting on the couch when the door bell rang. I got up and answered it, "hey, babe!" I said beaming.

"Hey! I heard you were out the hospital, I'm glad" he said, he hugged and kissed me. I hugged and kissed him back. I let him in.

"Are you the only one?"

"No. Everyone did, your dad sent a text, including Sarah and Mia. There still here."

"Oh, they are still here?"

"Yes. You would believe this, but they are staying a Aaron's."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep. They needed a place to stay and Aaron suggested for them to stay with him. So, they gladly said yes."

"Oh, that's nice of him."


"Speaking of Sarah and Mia" I said, look at my phone, "I just got a text from Sarah. Said that there coming over to see me. And of course, Aaron's coming to."


A few minutes later the door bell rang. I went to answer and I was almost knocked over by the hugs of Sarah and Mia, "Omg! We are so happy you are alright!" They said smiling.

I hugged them back smiling, "I'm glad to be ok" I said, we let go. I looked at Aaron, "hey, Uncle Aaron."

"Hey, glad you are alright" he said smiling. He gave me a hug, I hugged him back, "the others are coming."

"They are?"

"Yep" he said, "anyway, where's your dad?"

"Hey, Aaron" Dad said coming down the hall.

"Hey, dude!" He said. The door bell rang again, I'll get it" he said and opened the door. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey!" My Uncles Billy, Jay and my Aunt Ashley said smiling. He let them pass. They all gave me a hug. I hugged them back. As my dad, my aunt and uncles talked, I walked down towards the hall.

"Where are you going?" Jake asked.

"I just want sometime alone" I said, I walked down the hall and into my room. I sat down on my bed, than I looked up. Jason, was standing there, "you have to leave, don't you?"

He nods, "yes. I have fulfilled my duty and now I can go home."

I sighed, "I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too. But, I will always be in your heart."

I nod, stand up and give him a big hug, he hugged me back. (A/N play the song above) He looked to his left, I looked where he was looking. A spirit of a young women appeared, she had shoulder length hair color and full lips stretched into a kind smile, "Jason, it's time to come home" she said in a soft voice.

He smiled and nods, than looked back at me, "who is she?" I asked.

"My sister."

"Oh, you never told me her name?"

"It's Julia, but she likes being called Jewels."

"That's a pretty name."

"Yeah, it is."

I felt someone's arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked to see my dad, he smiled at me and I smiled back. Than, we both looked back at Jason. "Thank you for setting me free" he said, "oh and Jake? Take good care of Roxy for me, ok?" Jason said.

I looked at Jake, he nods, "sure thing, man" he said, smiling.

Jason nods, "well, goodbye" he said, he turned and walked towards his sister, she put her hand out palm down and he took her hand palm up. She turned at they walked into an invisible portal we couldn't see. They stopped and turned to us one last time and Jason smiled and waved. we smiled and waved back.

They turned and walked through the portal to never be seen again. I sighed and felt tears in my eyes. Dad squeezed my shoulder and I nod, whipping my eyes. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Thank you. For keeping me safe, Jason" I whispered, "I will never forget you."

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