Chapter 2

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Hizashi rubbed his tired eyes with his free hand while his other was securely wrapped around a now sleeping purple haired toddler. He had just managed to get his surprisingly restless son to sleep and was afraid to move an inch lest he wake him again. It was honestly very surprising to the Aizawa-Yamada family when they discovered their very mellow child had an impossibly hard time falling asleep. This fact just made the blond hero even more proud in getting his adorable son to fall asleep in his arms while also solidifying his fear of moving. Unfortunately this left him trapped on a rocking chair in Hitoshi's room with the bed just a little too far out of reach for him to risk setting his baby down.

As the blond hero carefully adjusted Hitoshi in his arms to where he was more comfortable he heard the entrance to the house creaking open.

"I'm in Toshi's room." He called to his husband softly knowing he would be able to hear him. It was funny to think that Shota still had excellent hearing, he honestly expected it to be somewhat damaged from his quirk after being together for so long. "Just be careful, I finally got him to sleep."

Tonight had been Shota's very first patrol since they had adopted Hitoshi and he was fully aware of his husband's disdain for going. Hizashi wasn't surprised to hear his husband's soft footsteps approaching the nursery door, knowing that he would want to be with his family after being forced to leave tonight.

The usually loud blond was surprised, however, when said husband wasn't alone. Tucked snuggly into the tired hero's arms was a preciously small toddler, with a poofy bush of viridian green curls atop his head. 

Hizashi was rendered speechless. Sure, he was used to Shota bringing home strays, but never once had his husband brought home an entire child.

"Hey babe." Shota greeted casually, which seemed to knock Hizashi out of his stupor. "Uh, yeah, hey baby. Whatcha got there?" He asked with an incredulous look.

Shota let out a soft sigh, avoiding his husband's gaze and instead choosing to stare at the baby sleeping peacefully in his arms. "I know there's a lot to explain..." He stared trailing off slightly. "Can we get the babies in bed first and then I'll explain in our room so we don't wake them up?"

Hizashi nodded silently, softly petting the lavender locks of their baby who was peacefully sucking on his paci. The blond hero blushed remembering his current issue. "Uhm, baby I need some help."

Shota gently placed the freckled toddler in Hitoshi's crib and chuckled seeing his husband trapped on the rocking chair with the very light sleeper. The ravenette hero gently took their son from Hizashi's arms and froze any time the toddler stirred, making sure he stayed asleep. It was a long process that had the blond hero whispering "Careful!" every couple seconds when he saw their son stir. Eventually Shota was able to place the lavender toddler into his crib beside the new freckled baby. Both parents held their breath when they saw Hitoshi shift. However, the toddler only rolled onto his side and grabbed onto the slightly smaller boy, holding him close like a teddy bear. Shota quietly cooed at the two snuggling boys, while Hizashi had to turn away, almost in tears at the absolutely adorable sight.

The blond hero clutched his heart and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Once he felt calm enough, Hizashi turned himself back around and turned on the baby monitor. Slipping his phone out of his pocket, he took a quick picture of the cuddling boys and then wordlessly grabbed Shota's wrist, dragging him to their room.

Once the heroes were settled atop their bed Shota took a couple breaths to organize his thoughts. The blond watching him with soft eyes, waiting patiently for an explanation.

"He was all by himself, baby." The raven haired hero finally met his husbands eyes with swirling sadness. "I was on my way home when I heard something in an alley and when I went to check it out I found that little guy all alone underneath a cardboard box. I have no idea how long he's been out there all alone, it just breaks my heart to think of what he's already had to go through at such a young age."

Hizashi, who was silent during his husbands explanation, felt tears start to slowly slide down his cheeks. "Of course we'd take him in babe, but what do we do next?" Shota took a gentle hold of his loving husbands hand. "Tomorrow I was going to bring him to the station and see if anyone was looking for him, but baby, if no comes forward or he doesn't have a family, how would you feel
about adopting him?"

Hizashi's head nodded frantically, his tears falling at a much heavier rate. "Yes!" he loudly exclaimed, his quirk enhancing his voice to be louder. Shota quickly lunged forward to cover the blond's mouth as they both held their breath, praying the boys wouldn't wake up. After several beats of silence went by, they knew they were in the clear. Hizashi blushed and whispered a sorry. "I mean, yes." He repeated with a big smile but in a much quieter voice. "When I saw the little guy cuddling with Toshi, it just felt like our family was finally complete."

Shota pulled his loud husband into a loving embrace, petting the others blond hair with his free hand. "I felt the same way baby." He lightly kissed the top of his husbands head. "I'm glad we're on the same page, it just feels so right."

Hizashi grinned and looked up to kiss the ravenettes cheek. "I know it sounds bad, but I hope no one comes forward." Shota chuckled and pulled his husband impossibly closer, spooning him. "Me too baby. Now let's get some sleep, we're gonna need it with two rambunctious boys in the morning."

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! have a great day, see you next week :)

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