Chapter 7

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Luna woke up to hear that song and then snuck out of the palace to break Shadow out of that holding cell he was in.

"Luna! I'm so glad you're here-" the shadow alicorn told the princess before he was shushed.

"Shh! I am here to get you out. We need a good plan that is so good, Astelle won't notice."

"Hmm, I got it!! Do you have a friend named Rarity?" Shadow asked the moon princess.

"Why, of course! There's only one pony that is named that and-. Wait a minute, I'm the master of disguise! I can ask Rarity to make costumes," Luna told him. Then, before they could say anymore, Astelle was coming to check on the pony.

"Shadow? Is that you talking to somepony?" Astelle asked him.

"Oh no! We need an escape route!" Shadow told Luna.

"Don't worry, I've got this! I'll distract her while you get out of the..."

"What are you doing, Luna?" the red-haired pony asked the Moon princess. Luna didn't know what to do, but she was confident to get rid of the evil pony ASAP.

"Err, hey Astelle! Uhm, what are you doing here??" Luna asked.

"I was asking the same thing, princess. Did I hear Shadow talk to you?" the evil pony said to Luna. 

"Umm, no? Err, I didn't talk to anypony. I was just giving myself a reassuring pep talk," Luna kind of low-key lied to the evil pony. Meanwhile in the human world, Sunset saw Aria walking through the halls of Canterlot High School.

"Hey Aria! Where are you going in such short notice?" the sunset-haired girl asked the former siren. Aria just looked at her and told her sisters that the coast is clear, and they ran off without even telling the girl. Suset watched with her eyes wide open as the former sirens went through the mirror portal to the pony world. When Sunset Shimmer told her friends about this, they couldn't believe it.

"Oh, my goodness! Why would they run away like that, darling?" Rarity said, exasperated.

"Oh my! Why would the girls do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, girls. Maybe they are going back to the other world to try to take over again!" Sunset panicked a little.

Applejack asked her, "Can we come too?"

Sunset replied, "No. It's up to me and Princess Twilight."

"Don't worry, Sunset! Everything will be fine!" Pinkie Pie assured the young teenager.

"I hope," Sunset replied quietly.

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