chapter 61

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Zayn was making dinner, humming and enjoying. At that moment he felt someone wrapped arm around his waist. He smiled by getting a familiar warm touch.

"Harreh.. I am cooking" Zayn said while smiling.

"Hmm I can see. But I want to eat you" Harry said while nuzzling Zayn's neck and smelling him.

"Harreh. I am getting tickle." Zayn giggled.

"Aww, zayn you are so childish. Wait I have something to tell you"


"I want to take you in date tonight. So no cooking" Harry said playfully. Zayn became gloomy, his smile faded,he gulped and started to sweating. Harry noticed Zayn's sudden change.

"Oi oi zayn. Are you okay? What happened? Don't you want to go in date with me?" Harry asked while concerning, turned Zayn around towards him, so Zayn's face is facing him now.

Zayn was looking down and tears were rolling down from his eyes.

Harry don't like when Zayn cry. It is like a torture for him. Harry tilted Zayn's face up by keeping index in his chin.

"Why are you crying?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Umm Harreh... What if Ray...Ray..." zayn couldn't finish his sentence ,suddenly got panick attacked and he started breathing heavily.

Harry became worried and grabbed a glass of water from the table.

"Zayn, zayn , drink this water, you will feel good. " Harry said while rubbing Zayn's back, make him sat in the tool. and he sat down by bending down in the floor.

When Harry thought zayn was okay so he tried to start talking again. He took Zayn's hand which was in Zayn's lap and placed his hand in Zayn's lap.

"Zayn, listen. You can't live in fear of Ray. You need to fight for yourself and for me. You are strong zayn. Don't forget that until I am alive nobody can harm you. So please forget him. Let's live our life." Harry said with concerning and worried eyes. Zayn nodded by looking down in Harry.

"So smile and we are going in date okay? So don't do cooking now" Harry said and stood up.

"But Harreh, what about Liam louis Niall and Gemma. They need dinner.."

"Why are you worried for them? You don't need to make dinner for them. They can do that by themselves. Now, go and get ready" harry said with smiled and made zayn stood up. Zayn nodded.

"Umm zayn" harry said hesitantly when zayn was about to leave the kitchen.

"Huh?" Zayn said by turning towards Harry

"Can I get a kiss please?" Harry pleaded by giving zayn a puppy eyes.

"Mmmm no" Zayns said playfully and he was about to run and at that moment Harry caught Zayn's arm and pulled him towards him,as a result zayn got hit with Harry's broad chest.

Zayn was blushing and smiling by looking down. Harry tilted Zayn's face up with his index. So now Harry was staring at Zayn's beautiful golden eyes. He kissed Zayn's forehead by holding Zayn's face. Then he kissed Zayn's cheek and then when he was about to kiss Zayn's lip, they heard coughing sound. They flinched and broke that hug.

Harry turned around and saw Gemma was standing there with mischievous smile in her face.

"Go and take bedroom. Kisses are not allowed in kitchen" Gemma said playfully and smiled.

"I knew it Gem, you are the only one who is enough to destroy my peace. Now get lost from here" Harry huffed and said with annoying voice.

On the other hand zayn was blushing and shying like hell.

"Oaps , someone's face is getting red like tomato in blushing. Hmm?" Gemma said playfully pointing zayn, zayn flinched became embarrassed and looked towards Gemma. She walked towards zayn and she was about to cup Zayn's cheek, on that moment Harry grabbed Zayn towards him and pulled him towards him, wrapped his arm around Zayn's tiny waist.

"He is mine. Go and take your. Oh sorry try to find your" Harry said sternly. Zayn gave Harry a questionable look and tried to free from Harry's strong grip. Zayn didn't like the way Harry was talking with his elder sister.But Harry was not loosening his grip in Zayn's waist.

"Ohh okay. Have fun. At least you people don't have any misunderstanding between you.  I am going. So much happy for both of you" gemma said and left the kitchen.

Zayn free himself from Harry and punched Harry's arm. Zayn was feeling bad for Gemma. She was like a elder sister and friend for zayn. Harry shouldn't behave like that.

"Ouch. What happened?" Harry said playfully, pretending that he got hurt.

"You shouldn't do that, Gemma felt offended. "Zayn said, pouted angrily.

"Aww. Zayn, she is always like that. Forget her." Harry said,trying his best to quell Zayn's anger.

"Nope, you should go and apologize to her. Harry,she is your elder sister. You can't..."

"Please zayn don't ruin our romantic mood. Go and get ready please" Harry pleaded and zayn couldn't do anything.

"Fine" zayn huffed


"Zayn, how much time you will take. Come quickly. We are getting late." Harry said by knocking the door.

"Yes, yes I am coming." Zayn said and opened the door.

Harry's eyes widen by seeing zayn. He was looking so much beautiful and gorgeous. He wore that Gucci suit set which was bought by Harry on that day.


"Hmm?" Zayn smiled, looking down.

"Thanks for wearing this suit set. I love you so much" Harry exclaimed and carried zayn in his arm like bridal style ,began to spin around.

"Harreh Harreh. Stop. Put me down"zayn screamed and giggled.

Harry stopped spinning and put zayn down.

"Thank God. I thought I would be die"
Zayn said while giggling.

"Hey don't say anything like that. Until I am alive nobody can harm you" Harry said in serious tone.

"Okay okay my super hero. Now let's go. We are being late . Aren't we?" Zayn said while wrapping his hands around Harry's neck.

Harry gripped Zayn's waist and pulled him closer. He moved his lips to younger boy's lips and pressed against it. It was smooth and calm kiss.

"Thanks" zayn mumbled.

"For what?" Harry asked.

"For everything" Zayn said and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Oi oi not again please don't cry."Harry said playfully which made zayn to smile.

"Okay now come on. We are getting late"harry said, intertwined their hand, walked to the garage.


Louis's eyes fluttered opened and he found himself in the trunk of the car.

"Oh my God where am I?hey help. Who's there. I am telling you, I am not going to spare anyone of you"louis shouted and began to kick.

There was no response of anyone. The car was only moving. And fears were rising inside him.


Sorry guys for late update. I hope you will love this chapter. And I published 3 new books. Don't forget to check them

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