chapter 66 (last chapter)

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"Welcome here,"

Gemma gasped, the light suddenly on and she turned around, and saw Ray was standing there with a mischievous grin on his face.

Gemma's eyes widen, it was not a normal, unwanted house. It was like a mansion. Who builds a big mansion in this dark forest? Gemma thought.

They were in the living room, a large tv was there and a couch, a coffee table was in front of it. There was a packet of pizza and a juice can. It seems someone has recently eaten something.

"Where is Zayn?" Gemma asked, where he can keep him so quickly?

"He is somewhere. Why do you care? What do you think, you can fool me?" " Ray said and started laughing loudly which made Gemma furious.

"You bastard where you kept him? "
Gemma shouted.

"Calm down, you don't need to worry about him. "

"Are you gonna tell me or...." Gemma put her hand in her pocket to pull out her phone but her breath stopped when she found it was not in her pocket.

"What happened? Are you scared?" Ray said with grinned and took a step forwards. Gemma gulped and stepped backwards.

"Where....where is zayn?" Gemma shouted.

Ray came in front of her and gripped her arm tightly. He dragged her to the basement and threw her on the floor.

"Stay there for a while" Ray groaned and leave the door by locking it from outside.

Gemma heard some whimpering sound and she drifted her look to the side and saw zayn, his eyes were closed, but he was whimpering on the floor. It was visible that he was in so much pain

"Zayn, "Gemma called and walked towards him. She pulled out that bedsheet from zayn's body. She instantly gasped and covered her mouth with her hand when she saw scars on all of the zayn's body. His whole body was full of blood and serious cuts. Gemma was not aware of the reason for zayn's whimpering before. But by seeing zayn's wounded bruised body, her breath got hitched and her heart twisted.

She can't believe how can a person be so merciless. It is noticeable by seeing the scars that Ray whipped him with all of his force. She doesn't know how zayn has tolerated all this pain

" zayn, look dear...." Gemma couldn't find words how to stop zayn's whimpering.

"Zayn, look you will be fine.." Gemma took his hand and started to rub his knuckle impatiently. Gemma was looking here and there for something and she found a bottle of water on the table.

She ran to the table, grabbed the bottle of water and came to the whimpering boy on the floor. She took zayn's head on her lap. She took some of the water in her hand and sprinkle it into zayn's face.

Zayn tried to open his eyes, he was panting. His whole body was aching.

"Har.....Harrah"Zayn mumbled somehow.

" Yeah, Harry, he is okay zayn. You don't need to worry, stay strong, dear." Gemma said as she stroked zayn's hair.

Zayn gulped before opening his mouth again.

" he okay?"

"Yeah he is ok" Gemma answered. She can't believe even in this situation he is asking about Harry which has melted gemma's heart like ice melts on fire. She will never forgive this Ray for making zayn in this condition.

Zayn tried to sit, so Gemma hold him from behind and helped him to sit.

"Gemma, why are you here? Go away from here please, Ray is dangerous, he can do anything with you."Zayn pleaded as he hold gemma's hand through his shaking hand.

Gemma bit her bottom lip to resist crying. She was rubbing zayn's back, trying to calm him down in every possible way.

At that moment they heard a thud sound which made them flinch.

" zayn, you stay here, let me check. What is happening? "

"No, Gemma, I can't let you go. What if...."

They couldn't complete as the door opened, it was Harry.

"Harrah" Zayn whispered with a smile.

Gemma smiled and ran towards him.

"Harry, thank God. You are here. Where is Ray?" Gemma asked

"Don't worry Ray has been arrested, thanks to you for using the trackers on your car or it would be difficult to find them. " harry replied and then his eyes drifted to zayn. He collapsed to the floor, as his eyes were closed.

"Zayn" Harry screamed and ran towards him.

"Zayn, what happened? Open your eyes please" Harry cried.

"Harry we have to take him to the hospital, quickly."



Zayn opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the ceiling.

"Zayn" he heard the voice that he was craving to hear.

"Harrah, " he whispered as he looked aside at him, Harry hold his hand, rubbed the knuckle and pressed a kiss on above his knuckle.

"Why did you need to leave me again like that? You could at least inform me. Couldn't you?" Harry cried as tears dropped from his green eyes.

Zayn slightly smiled as tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes. He was too weak to talk at this moment.

"Harrah, I am sorry. Please forgive me." Zayn whimpered.

"Don't ever do that again. Okay?" Harry asked



After being in hospital for two days, the doctor released him. Zayn is happy, he is back in harry's home, he has no fear right now. There is none to dominate him right now. He is free at last.

Zayn is sketching something by sitting on the windowsill. At that moment he flinched as he got a kiss on his cheek.

"Harry. You? You made me scared." Zayn pouted.

"Aww so sorry for that my baby," Harry said as he hold zayn's nose.

"Very funny." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"What seems you funny here?" Harry asked as he sat in front of zayn, staring at zayn which made him blush.

Zayn looked down, trying not to look at harry with his red cheek. Harry tilted his face with his index on zayn's chin, making him look up at him in his eyes.

"I love you," Harry said with a smile.

"Harry, do you really do?" Zayn asked which made harry confused.

"Yeah, of course baby I do. What made you think that I don't do?"

"Harrah, I can't believe this, this feels like dream to me. I have never imagined that one day, I will be free from Ray, I will be no longer a slave. Thank you Harry for giving me life. I don't know how I will be grateful to you" Zayn said as he started sobbing, shaking.

"Zayn, what are you saying?  Don't ever talk like that. Okay? I love you and that's it. Stop thinking all these. " harry said as he hugged the younger boy on his chest.

"Thank you harry, I love you."

"Love you too babe."

Finally, the book has been completed. I know it's a rush. So sorry for that, but the sequel will be coming soon. And I promise part 2 would be more interesting. Please give a vote and comments. And please promise me you guys will read the sequel. For reading the sequel you don't need to read this book. You will understand everything only by reading the sequel. Thanks for supporting this book. Love you guys.

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