chapter 17.

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Louis reached Ray's home. " I hope Harold is managing everything nicely" Louis mumbled. He walked up to the door. He knocked the door. He did it once then twice then thrice. He then realized that no one is present in the home. Louis gulped. Did Zayn disobeyed Ray's order? Louis also knew that Zayn was forbidden to go outside. Suddenly he saw Harry and Zayn were coming. They were holding their hands. Louis became confuse. Harry noticed Louis. Louis headed to Harry. " Hey Harold where have you been?. And you took Zayn with you? Don't you know that Ray has forbidden that?"Louis stammered. Zayn became gloomy and terrified. Harry could see that the words of Ray make Zayn scared. He wrapped his arm around Zayn. Zayn looked up to Harry and smiled. " So what Louis? Can't Zayn go wherever he like? " Harry became grumpy
" but"..." But what Louis?. Now please you go home." Harry interrupted him. " You have to hear me out" Louis yelled. " No I will not" Harry told and went toward the home. Zayn wanted to follow Harry but at that time Louis grabbed Zayn's wrist." I swear if anything happen to my friend only for you I will not spare you" Louis told him aggressively. Zayn shivered. Zayn also knew that Ray was dangerous. But he never realized that Harry could be harmed for Zayn. " I didn't realize that " Zayn blubbered. " Why you made him fall in love with you?" Louis jerked him. Love what? Harry is in love with me? How ? Zayn wondered. "I .."
" What are you guys doing there? Harry shouted from inside the house. " Nothing" Louis retorted. " Listen Zayn Ray is dangerous and you know that you are Ray's boyfriend. He is so possessive for you. Harry is only here because I told him to. He will go after seven days. So Zayn please don't make him fall in love with you" Louis tried to make Zayn understand. Zayn eyes became watery. He was falling in love with Harry but he didn't confessed it yet. " Louis listen" Zayn was interrupted by Louis's phone. Louis picked the phone." Ok Zayn I am going now" Louis told him and turn around to go. Zayn was there standstill. Harry's life can be in danger because of me. Zayn wondered. Tears started to fall from his eyes. Abruptly he saw Harry was coming towards him. Zayn wiped his tears immediately and wanted to give a smile but he couldn't. Harry noticed that. Harry kept his hand in his shoulder and bent a little to make his height as Zayn. " What happens Zayn? Are you crying? Harry asked him worriedly. " No where" Zayn replied immediately. " Don't tell lie" Harry frowned and tilted up Zayn's chin using his index finger. " I can see everything from your eyes Zayn." Harry smiled. He carried Zayn to his arms in a bridal way. Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulder and kept his head to his chest. "Harry can be in danger only for me." This matter is only roaming around his head.


It was almost 12.00 am. They were watching TV in their living room. Zayn sat beside Harry. Harry noticed that Zayn was in depressed. He didn't know why he is in depression now. Harry leaned toward Zayn and wrapped his arms around his waist. " What happened Zaynie?" Harry questioned him by looking on Zayn's eyes. His eyes was so perfect and gorgeous that Harry could not stop staring. " You know your eyes can melt anybody. You are so beautiful. You are one in million". Zayn blushed and looked downward. Suddenly Zayn became gloomy again. Harry noticed that. " What happened Zayn? Why you are not telling me anything?"  Harry became restless. "Harry" Zayn opened his mouth. Harry nodded. " Harry, Ray is dangerous. So" " So what Zayn". Harry interrupted. " Actually you can be in danger only for me" Zayn cried. " No Zayn . It will never happen." Harry assured him by engulfing him with a hug. Harry became tensed. Why he is saying like that.? Harry began to worried but he didn't want to show it in front of Zayn. " Zayn it's too late now. Let's go to sleep." Harry told Zayn so that the topic could be changed. Harry lifted Zayn up and Zayn nodded. " Umm can I carry you to the bedroom" Harry told him in indistinct manner. Zayn began to laugh. Harry wanted to see Zayn's smile for his whole life." No you can't" Zayn said sarcastically and began to run. Harry followed him too in order to catch him. Harry caught him. He took his wrist and pulled his wrist toward him. As a result Zayn hit with his chest. " Nobody can be escape from me" Harry smiled and carried Zayn. Zayn could see his dimple which made him blush" It is so weird Harry. It is not important to carry me all the time" Zayn pouted. "I don't care" Harry walked up to the stairs and reached the room. He laid Zayn down on the bed. He gave blanket over him. " Ok so I am going to take couch" Harry kissed his forehead and turned around to go. " You can take bed if you want" Zayn told him immediately. He wanted to be with Harry. " No need. I am ok" Harry told straightly and went toward the door.
After 30 minutes.

Zayn was tossing all around the bed but he couldn't find a comfortable place. He was glancing at the door might Harry would come. He became so impatient. At last he stood up from his bed. He took the blanket and went for Harry. He walked down to the stairs. He saw Harry was sleeping peacefully in the couch. How can he sleep so peacefully where I am not able to sleep. He started to call Harry by shaking his shoulder so might he wake up. " Harry, Harry listen." Harry's eyes flattered. " What happened?" Harry yawned. And turned aside. " I couldn't sleep " Zayn pouted but Harry didn't notice because he was in sleep. Zayn got furious so he climbed up to Harry and tried to make a comfortable place in Harry's lap. He stretched up Harry's hand and wrapped it around his own waist. Harry groaned. " What are you doing zayn?" His eyes is still closed. Zayn got a comfortable place now. Harry smirked and pulled him close by his waist. Zayn blushed and closed his eyes. They began to cuddle in the couch. And last Zayn fell into sleep

Thanks for lovely comment and inspiring me. 💚💛💚💛

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