PaRt SiX

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Tae's POV

great fucking great he take advantage of me and now he throw up at my outfit "hey!! hey! you" he fell asleep ?"wake up!!"
damn it I have no choice then.


at Tae's mansion

Jin's POV

I open my eyes and the light came from the balcony through the room make my eyes narrowed then stare at the white ceil wait... what time is it? I forgot to set my alarm why's it not ringing ? wait... I feel weird

" ahh!!!!!" "ahhh!!!" this is not my bedroom and why I'm naked ?.

" you woke up, good morning "
the voice that really familiar talk to me.

" who are you? where's this place? " I asked him my head is really hurt I can remember anything

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" who are you? where's this place? " I asked him my head is really hurt I can remember anything

" my bedroom " " and who am I?" "you don't remember last night?!"
he asked me with a smirked.

" what happened ? did you do something to me last night? " I stuttering asked him and whispering the last sentence. really? don't tell me that I just lost my virginity to some random hot guy at the club that just met last night and didn't even remember my first time I want to cry.

he walked toward me and sit approach me in the bed hover on the top of me stared sharp into my eyes then said "more like you did to me" his eyes didn't leave mine "think about it last night what you did to me"

'he came closer what should I do?'
'I'm sorry' 'you're so hot'*blaargh blaargh*
I...I... kissed him? said that he's hot and throw up all over his outfit. am I lose my damn mine??

"Judging by that face" "you remember what happened last night now?" he asked never leave my eyes

I stared back at him his jaw line really sexy and the mole on his nose his curly hair sweat on his forehead that make his hair a little wet. oh I just noticed that he didn't wear his shirt just sweat pants maybe he just came from gym his abs like a washboard .

"like what you see" he said and smirked at me again .

what he said got my attention and make me stare at somewhere else but his face. I really hate that dirty smirk of him "you should've stop what I do last night if you're really a good person I'm drunk. I can control myself back then you just want to take advantage from"

" take advantage from you?"
" you kissed me first " " how do I take advantage from you?" he asked me confused.

" then why I'm naked? you pervert " I asked him my face is heating up right now

"haha!! haha!!" he burst in to laughter. what's wrong with him? Is sleeping around with stranger is a joke to him.
"number one , you're not my type
I don't like little cutie sweet innocent" he said " number two, as you know you throw up and ruin my outfit and your as well that's why I take your clothes off and don't worry i didn't look at that" he stared at my chest and down it as well .

"and do you think you're my type I don't like someone arrogant and I'm glad that last night nothing happened because I don't want anything to do with you pervert bastard " I'm so mad right now my face nearly explode how could he say something like that to me? I try to get up grabbed the blanket wrapped around my body and get away from bed but I accidentally stepped on the blanket he try to catche me but we ended up both on the floor because it's too late and he's on top again.

"and do you think you're my type I don't like someone arrogant and I'm glad that last night nothing happened because I don't want anything to do with you pervert bastard " I'm so mad right now my face nearly explode how could he say something like...

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we stared at eachother for a moment and then he asked me "what's your name?" " you look so familiar"

"excuse me?"

"I know you heard it if you're not telling me. I'm going to kiss you this time"

his face try to approach me but
"Kim seokjin" I answered with my eyes closed

" Kim seokjin?" he froze for a moment.

this guy look kinda familiar too wait ... I touched both of his cheek he look so shocked when I touch his cheek 😳"are you kim taeyang?"

"who's taeyang?" he asked annoyed

"you kim taeyang , I'm your Savior "

"I know and I'm not kim taeyang"

"my name is kim Taehyung "


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