PaRt ThIrTy

722 34 8

" get up already it's morning!!" Jungkook come to Jimin who's losing in his own dream land then screaming at his ear loudly making the younger put his palm on his ear, sit up in the bed with his eyes close, frowning on his face.

" Are you mad?! How dare you scream while I'm sleeping MANAGER JANG?!!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook who just scoffed at him because he's still closing his eyes.

" I'm not manager Jang!! Get up now or I'll throw you outside" Jungkook said taking the blanket off Jimin.

" YOU!!" Jimin his to meet Jungkook.

"Yes, me. Now get up" He said.

Jimin move his eyes to meet the six packs, v line down there. Jungkook only wearing his sweat pants comfortably.
' he's sweating maybe just finished working out his body is not bad' jimin thought it his head.

" I Know I'm hot, can you move your ass from my bed now?" Jungkook said at Jimin who turning red embarrassed to what he just heard.

" I've seen better than that!!!"  he said out loud. Decide to get up from the bed.

" Whatever" Jungkook shake his head then gulp on the water bottle in his hand, his Adam apple is boning up and down.
" You want some" Jungkook hand his bottle to Jimin who keep staring at him while he's gulping.

" Don't you think you're too much?" He ask Jungkook who just dumfounded.

" What?!"

" I knew you're trying to seduce me, stop it now I Know you can't resist me well everyone can't but I already like someone so don't waste you time. I'm not that kind of person."

" You are unbelievable" Jungkook said shaking his head.

" I'm serious-"

" Stop now or I'll really throw you out there aishhh I'm having a headache right now!!" Jungkook put his palm on his head, closing his eyes.

" You're so dramatic." Jimin said.

" I give you five minutes to get ready." Jungkook said annoyed.

" Geez you're-"

" Five seconds then" " one...two..."

" Fine aishhh... go outside" Jimin yelled at Jungkook who's leaving the room frustratingly.


After what happened in the shower, Seokjin keep staying in his room untill the auntie house keeper knock on the door calling him to come downstairs having breakfast. He refused to eat at first but when she mentioned about Mrs Kim is downstairs having breakfast with Taehyung, he immediately get up from the bed, leaving his room then walking downstairs.

He's smiling at Mrs Kim while walking slowly and uncomfortable downstairs because of the falling incident earlier, his butt still hurting.

" Good morning Mrs- mom" Jin almost call Mrs Kim but luckily he didn't.

" Good morning Seokjin" Mrs Kim smiled back then she frown when he saw Seokjin limping while slowly taking a sit on the chair next to Taehyung who just keep munching on  the egg rolls in his plate. Mrs Kim notice that but she didn't say anything about it.

" I heard that you guys are fighting?" Mrs Kim looking at Taehyung who pause his eating and brought the napkins to wipe his mouth.

Looking at the auntie house keeper then at his mom Taehyung already got it how his mom know about what happened.
" Auntie told you, right?"

His mom look at him then at Seokjin who's keep eating Kimchi and rice focusing on his small bowl, chopsticks while his mind traveling the other world.

" We had a small fight but it's okay now" Taehyung said smiling at his mom.

" Don't broke the thing when you fight no matter how serious it is? It's dangerous!!"

" Thing?" Taehyung tried to think of what happened last night when Seokjin drunk then he remembers the vase that his mom gift him.
" I'm sorry mom... I broke the vase" Taehyung looking his mom's face he didn't want his mom to know that Seokjin broke that and ask him farther.

" You should look after Seokjin more, look! He's so thin, don't just care about the work at company all of the time" Mrs Kim scolding at the workholic Taehyung.

" Can I have one more bowl of rice?" Seokjin said to auntie who's just nodded her head in response 'yes'.

Seokjin look at Mrs Kim awkwardly.

" I'm sorry... I haven't had dinner yesterday." Jin said feeling guilty for his behaviors.

" No!! Eat more... Do you want some more egg roll?" Mrs Kim pick up a big piece of egg roll for Seokjin who's giving big smile in return.
" By the way, I saw you walking down here limping... Taehyung-ah... you're not too rough on Seokjin, are you?!"
* Cough cough*

Seokjin is choking with the egg roll in his mouth when he heard what Taehyung's mom said.
" No! It's not like that it's not like what you think I fall on the-" Seokjin tried to explain to soon-to-be mother-in-law when Taehyung patting his back try to stop himself from burst out laughing.

" Don't be shy, Seokjin-ah" Mrs Kim said. " You should eat more soup to increase your energy. I really want small kid to run around here you know I really want that. The sooner the better"

" No-" Seokjin about to say something but Taehyung cut him.

" Yes, I want four daughters and Three sons, isn't that cute Seokjin?" Taehyung said smiling teasing the younger.

" stop playing around you pervert" his ears turning red, Seokjin said gritting his teeth wishpering that only Taehyung can hear him then smile at Mrs Kim.

" Taehyung-Ssi, isn't it too early to think about that? We didn't even know the future if we can Stuck together like this or not?!" Seokjin said his eyes playfully staring at Taehyung.

" Why- oughh" Taehyung didn't finish his words when Jin pinched on his muscular thigh.

" Huh? What's happened tae?" His mom ask him worriedly.

" Nothing mom just this crazy aunt bite me on my thigh" Taehyung smirking at Jin who's angrily biting his lower lip.

" Anyways, there's a party for Jeon cooperation. Mr Jeon invited your dad and our family so you both need to prepare for tonight. Are you busy with something? If you can go it must be great cause your dad want to meet Seokjinie" she said smiling at both of them.

" I don't have night shift so...." Jin said hesitated.

" Okay mom... we'll go" Taehyung said smiling while grabbing Seokjin hand to stop him overthinking about meeting his dad.

# 💜💜 New update💜💜#

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