Chapter 3

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As Jessica open the door , she saw nothing , only darkness

"Theres nothing .. phew! , There's nothing Jack! You can sleep peaceful-"

As Jessica turn around to Jack she feel something grabbing her shoulder

And pushed Jessica to the floor

"Argh! What the hell ,Who pushed me?!! " Jessica said as she get up

"Holy crap something pushed you , I didn't even see it , it was fast!" Jack said

"But what is that "something?" ,Do you mean.. the shadow figure?" Jessica said

"Yeah.. it's probably the shadow figure ,if not then I don't know anymore..." Jack said

As they talk , Byron and Isaac woken up

"What you guys talking about?" Byron said

"Mghhh you guys talk so loud.." Isaac said while showing a sleepy face

"We were talking about the shadow figure that probably pushed Jessica" Jack said

"SHADOW FIGURE ,THEY PUSHED YOU?" Isaac and Byron said

As the room fill with silence..

"It's still 6.30 .. still long before the lights turn on , and we have been attacked by the shadow figure already" Jack said

Then Jessica check her phone and saw the news that.. the lights out extend to  a week

"THE LIGHTS OUT EXTENDED TO A WEEK?!?!" Jessica screamed

Everyone shouted  "WHAT?!"

"Alright everyone let's just break the front door already , I don't wanna be here for a literal week!" Byron said

Everyone agreed and they all go out from the room with their flashlights

"It's so cold .. I feel like freezing to death right now" Isaac said

"Here my Jacket , you need it better , I'm fine with cold environment" Byron said

"Ah thanks Byron , you are n-nice.." Isaac replied

As everyone walked  through the eerie hallway


Something falls

Sound of wind

"What the hell with these sounds? It's scaring me to death! , Every sound jumpscare me.." Jessica said

"Yeah , it's really scary hearing these sounds , I thought I'm hallucinating but it look like I'm not alone hearing these" Jack said

"Don't look behind , who knows someone is following us , it's best to look forward" Byron  said

"I know something is behind me and I wanna hit it so badly!" said Isaac

"Focus everyone , don't keep your guard down too! Who knows something behind you grab you and you will be forever gone.." Byron said

Everyone keep walking until they finally meet a two way 

"Which way should we go Byron?" said Isaac

"I don't really know how the school layout is.. maybe we go to the right or left?" Byron said

"Maybe right?  I always liked the right way .. we gotta be fast thinking this , I have a feeling something  is following us" Jack said

"Y'all stop being dumb let's just go right alread-" Jessica then got cut off by a sound

A growl sound heard behind everyone

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