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(Namjoon's pov)

It's been a month since that incident took place. My mother and sister were in jail, they realised their mistake and apologised to me for their deeds so I forgave them and purchased bail for them and took them out of the jail. They behave good with the workers but it seems as if they are still rude with Jennie. In front of me they are kind with her but then when I'm not there I don't know. Currently I am leaving for office as I have an important meeting today. 

"Sir your suitcase"  Jennie said

"Thank you" I said as I took it. I slightly touched her hands and damn they were soft like butter.

"What's Today's schedule " I said

"Today's schedule is not much you have a meeting with Mr. Han, the owner of  Fitness freak chain  health products and gyms."  She said and damn she remembers everything like how! I tend to forget things.

"Sir lets go" she said and went in the front. The car came

She opened the door for me. I felt a little weird 

"Why are you opening the door for you you're a woman "  I said

"Oh sir I'm your assistant like your servant so I only have to do this let me do my work" she said and I sat in. She closed the door. I thought she would sit in with me but no. I put down the car window 

"Jennie you're not coming with me?" I asked

"No sir I'll come by walk"  she said

"Sir this is your car how can I come with you I'm not allowed" she said

"You don't worry I'll reach before you come and everything will be ready " she said. Such a hardworking and determined lady. And I don't know why she makes me look superior and she inferior. I don't like it. Perhaps mom might have told her to watch her position and inferiority as she's poor. I just hate mom's thought. And my office is like 10 kilometres from my house.  How Will she walk so much?

(Jennie's pov)

I was walking. I was really tired, but I'm used to it. I can walk 50 kilometres this is nothing. In just 10 minutes I reached the office building. I went in and arranged everything. I switched on all the laptops and computers and inserted my pen drive as it had the presentation. Well I'm not doing the presentation. Irene is doing it. She's very rude to me and made me do this presentation. It was a very long presentation. I checked it and it was fine. Then I heard the meeting room door open. It was Mr. Kim He was surprised to see me. 

"You reached?" He asked

"Yes sir " She said

"So early?" I asked

"Yes sir  Actually I can walk more than 50 kilometres "  she said and I was shocked. I can walk only 4 kilometres and then get tired and this girl. Actually I am a spoiled person I usually travel in car.

"Ok is everything ready?" I asked

"Yes sir "  She said. Irene entered the room. She winked at me. She always tries to seduce me but I don't give  a fuck. I ignored her.

"Sir I am ready" she said

"And I hope you made the presentation "  I asked Irene. I don't know why but she looked at Jennie and then looked at me and said

"Y yes sir "  she said

And then Mr. Han entered the room

"Good morning Mr. Han" I said as I greeted him

Love conquers all:(NAMJEN)Where stories live. Discover now