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There has to be a moment in the beginning when you wonder whether you’re in love with the person or in love with the feeling of love itself. – David Levithan, The Lover’s Dictionary


Six years ago – July 21, 2012

Groaning in disgust, I nauseously swept underneath the tables towards the rear of the shop. Some people were really gross and needed to learn how to clean up after themselves. Gathering the dust within the pan, I walked over to dump it into the trashcan, when the front door opened; a chime ringing throughout the shop. I twisted my head in the direction of the bell to see Harry and Niall standing in the entry; their bright grins spread across their cheeks. I couldn’t exactly tell if I was thrilled, or annoyed.

“Hi,” Harry said, lingering beside me. From the tone of his voice, I could tell he was smiling.

“Can’t talk, I’m working,” I replied, not even looking up from my loose, sable wisps as I swept. He barely acknowledged my existence at the party – why should I even respond?

From behind us, Evan called out, “Alice, you can talk to Harry now. It’s time for your break.”

I whipped my face towards my boss, glaring at him with objection. Evan just smirked at me with a smug look on his face before he continued handing out orders. He knew I was bitter over what happened at the party last week, but still thought I should work things out with Harry. Why did he care, what did it even matter?

Niall spoke across the shop, “Hey, sir? Could I ask ya’ somethin’ about the flavors?”

Evan seemed elated with his request. “Of course you can, my boy. Come on over here.”

He was always happy to talk to curious customers. Niall proceeded to eagerly dash over to my boss, leaving me with the one guy I had no intention seeing. Harry cleared his throat so my attention was brought back on him.

“Please?” He looked down at me, a pleading look in his laurel green eyes. I thought I at least had to hear what he had to say. Sighing loudly, I pulled out the chair to the empty spot in front of us. He sat down across from me, hands folded on the surface of the table.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened at the party with all of those girls. I wanted to be with you, Alice, but my friends wanted to talk to me and I didn’t want to seem rude and things got out of hand. I saw you with Niall though, and I’m glad he kept you company. I should’ve been the one to do so, seeing as how I invited you in the first place,” Harry rambled on.

It could have been jealousy sparking the angered flames within me. I wasn’t used to gaining that amount of affection for anyone, let alone someone who could have been used to any girl pining over him. Just the image of any of those vain tramps talking to him made me crazy.

But he was in front of me, apologizing. And I wondered if the same affection remained.

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