chapter fourteen

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It is a mystery to me how things have changed so dramatically in such a short amount of time, this is in no way a complaint because I woke up next to my incredibly attractive boyfriend the morning after my birthday and for once I didn't have to worry about leaving a bedroom and being bombarded with judgement.

I had no idea that Sam and I's night would end the way it did, but I think there was a large part of me that hoped it might, I just got good at ignoring it so that I didn't feel like I was pressuring him into something that he may not have been ready for.

Turns out I should have just spoken to him like a normal person and I could have had his hands all over me weeks ago, it is kind of crazy to think back on though. He was different in a way that I didn't expect, where I was assuming there would be light caresses and only praise, he surprised me, I have faint bruises on my hips from how tightly he was holding me.

As well as the fact he let me suck him off in my car and fingered me on his kitchen counter, he has left me surprised all over again and craving him more than I had first thought possible. I wasn't intending to tell Claudia about what we got up too but she has a keen eye and a sixth sense for this kind of thing and when I came to get my bag of clothes after my opening shift the next morning she was the only one who noticed the marks he had left down my throat.

"Miss Soapie, where do you think you were last night?" she had laughed, pulling me onto he bed, practically jumping atop it.

"Sam took me home; did you not notice how smashed I was?"

"Obviously not smashed enough to be unable to partake in whatever it is that you two got up too"

"Do we have to talk about this?" I groaned.

"Absolutely" she beamed. "You're glowing Soph, you can't tell me that things aren't looking up"

"Of course, things are looking up and that is exactly why I don't want to talk about it"

"That logic is lost on me"

"If I talk about it, admit that he's making me happy, then I'm scared that my world will fall apart again"

"But that's the best part of happiness Soph, the ability to share it with everyone around you and for what it is worth, after last night everyone knows about you two. So, what is the harm in sharing it, if we all already know the premise?"

I should give her more credit than I do, she is far smarter than anyone is willing to credit her for, like Cameron she is far more than the mould that is placed on her but for the benefit of everyone around her she doesn't fight it in a way people will notice. She's like a snake, you don't notice she's there, at least with grades, until she is at the top and everyone else is failing.

It's a poor analogy that she came up with when she was drunk freshman year and one of her classmates accused her of cheating, the only reason we all remember it is because Alfie likes to bring it up whenever it fits. I find much enjoyment over how much Claudia wishes that after all of her sub-par analogies that would be the one, we forget.

If I have learnt anything it is that we can't always get what we want and for her that mean the saying haunting her. The wisdom has even been bestowed onto Sienna from time to time and I think it has somehow found its way around her school, which I whole heartedly blame Justin for.

Even work is better now that I have something other than a crowded house to go home too, not that I disliked it greatly in the first place, it just used to be such a big thing in my life and now it is something that I can brush to the side. Moving through the movements without a sense of dread looming over me, I think Elizabeth has picked up in my shift in mood because she has started trying to get out of the gross jobs.

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