chapter seventeen

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I've discovered that their house is freezing in the mornings, not the kind of chill that makes you your fingers and lips blue but the kind that prompts you to bury yourself deeper into the blankets and keep your hands tucked between your thighs to keep them warm.

In a house as big as there's I am not at all surprised, even less that Sam groaned loudly as he rolled out of bed to turn the heating on in the hallway, the cold has only gotten biting and it isn't even December yet. Sienna would tell me it is due to climate change and global warming, I know I'm doing my part, though I can't help but confess that if I hear her lecture one more time I may combust.

"They're all monsters who don't feel the cold" he mumbles into my neck, curling back around me as the ducted heating blasts through the room in a loud whir that only confirms the fact that I will not be falling back to sleep. Despite the early morning, I have never been good at sleeping in unless I am in a depressive episode.

I wouldn't ever wish for another one of those but the ability to fall back to sleep in my boyfriend's arms would be ideal, I try and turn slowly in his embrace so that I can tuck my head under his chin but my movement makes him groan and his arms clamp around my middle to stop me.

"You wriggle a lot" he murmurs, voice deep and scratchy from sleep, his hair tickling my forehead from my heads position flat against our pillow.

"I was trying to cuddle you" I grumble, noticing now why he halted me, the hard length of his dick firm against my thigh. You'd think a man would enjoy having his girlfriend rubbing up on his dick at five in the morning.

"I don't believe you" he chuckles, arching his dick away from me as I move fully into his grip, wrapping my arms around his middle and pressing myself against his chest. His body heat emanating through the thin shirt he chucked on the night before, after I had effectively disposed of the blue dress shirt he had been clad in previously.

"What's so bad about me feeling your dick in the morning, you are my boyfriend remember" I tease, running my nails up and down his back lightly as he props his chin on the top of my head.

"Don't want to make you uncomfortable" he admits, voice quieter than it was before.

"Wait what?" I ask, pulling my head back to look him in the eyes, "Why would that make me uncomfortable, your asleep when it happens, can't control what you wake up with"

"Layla hated it. Said that I was objectifying her"

"That is just... I get a random man getting a boner and rubbing it all over her would be gross but you're her boyfriend and it's a normal thing for men to get when they wake up. Hardly think that is objectifying her, when she isn't always going to be the direct cause of morning wood"

"So, we would rarely sleep cuddles up, which was annoying because I like cuddling"

"You're very cuddly" I nod, smiling up at him and kissing his chin lightly, my hands flattening and smoothing down his back to push his lower body against mine, a groan rumbling his chest "You know I don't mind how you wake up"

"I think I'm getting that" he chuckles, the sounds cutting off into another groan of pleasure when I roll my lower body against him, able to feel the movements through the thin fabric of our sweatpants.

"In fact, I find it quite delightful that you wake up this way, gives me something to do in the early hours of the morning" I grin, pushing him down onto his back and pulling the blankets from his body. Small fingers finding the edge of his pants and pulling them down to hit the warm air, the heating reducing the nippiness that had woken us.

"No way" he groans, one of his hands landing on my thigh and the other clutching the pillow behind his head as I pump his length a few times to get him to full hardness.

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