Meeting him again( part 2 )

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A lump started forming in your throat watching him walk to his desk. The cute, shy boy had become a hot, bad boy in the time he left. He glanced around and looked at the teacher, saying that he was just late because of the traffic. Even though the teacher knew it was a lie, she told him to go sit at an empty seat. The only empty seat was 2 desks behind you. His leg bumped into your bag, which you unknowingly kept in the way. You scrambled and grabbed the bag, mumbling a quick sorry to him. He looked at you for a few seconds and sat on the desk. The teacher started the lecture and kept going on about some things. Your attention was completely on C/n's change and you were thinking about why he would have changed.
(Time skip)
After the class was done, you had a 10 minute break to get to your next class. As you entered the class, you saw 2 people in the back sucking each other's faces off. Disgusted, you cleared your throat to try and stop them. They pulled away, and stared at you. You were pretty overwhelmed when you saw their faces. You did not know the girl, but the boy was definitely C/n. You held back your tears, and nervously said, "Can you please not do this in school? The teacher is going to come and I don't wanna miss my lecture just to puke." The girl looked at you with anger, but c/n looked somewhat amused. What in the world is the boy thinking? You looked at them, pleadingly and went to your seat. After a few minutes, the teacher came in and asked you to introduce yourself. You begrudgingly got up, and went to the front of the class. " Hi, I'm Y/n y/l/n. I like (hobby) and (hobby), nice to meet y'all." Ou completed in a squeaky voice, trying to control you breathing. You looked in c/n's direction and noticed him staring at you, surprise,  worry and nervousness going through his eyes. His jaw dropped ever so slightly, and all you wanted was to laugh. But you couldn't. He had broken you. He had made you what you are now. He didn't even seem to miss you. You went up to your seat and started staring off in the distance.
(Time skip)(a/n:sorry for all the time skips, but I dont want to bore y'all with the lectures.😅)
You were on your way to have lunch when you hear  something from the janitor's closet. You didn't want to scar your eyes, so you quickly walked away from there. You take the lunch from the matron and start walking towards the bleachers, wanting to be alone. As you walk past the janitor's  closet, you see 2 figures come out. You- let's just say you were surprised and horrified. There was a girl and a boy, the girl who you noticed to be the same one who was snogging c/n, but you did not know the boy. You turned around and walked towards the cafeteria, not wanting to be seen. You had your lunch with a girl from your class,
f/n, with who you became friends quite fast. You walked towards your next class, but were stopped by someone's hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see... c/n?
"Hi..?" You said, mentally face palming yourself. He smirked, and said," hey, I wanted to ask something." You raise an eyebrow and ask him, "what?" He says," Wanna go out with me?" Your eyes grow wide and you are shocked. You reply with a spluttering 'what?' He asks the question again. "No way!" You exclaim. "Ha! Okay, it was a dare to talk to you, anyway." You were hurt very deep by this. You knew he was talking about now, though you can't help but think if he was talking about earlier times. You looked in his blank eyes, and said," Wow, I can't believe I was bestfriends with someone like you. I don't even know you anymore!" You run out of there to your house. You were fed up. You decided that you won't attend the school for a few days, 1- to lessen the awkwardness and 2- to keep yourself away from panic attacks. You told f/n to inform you if something happens, and she agreed to it. You felt that f/n had a right to know what had happened and you told her everything. You even told b/f/n, because you knew she would help.

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