Breaking through his exterior (pt.2)

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Today's the day.

Your POV
Thanking everyone as I walk down the hallway, I reach my locker. I put my pass code and see a whole lot of gifts and chocolates. Perks of being friends with everyone I guess.
B/f/n comes to me, smiling mischievously. Uh-oh he did something.
"What did you do, b/f/n?" I ask, already taking a step back from him. "Nothing, nothing at all." He says, still smiling. Smirking.. I remind myself. That pumpkin head knows something I don't. I check behind him and his hands for any visible pranks, but no face paint or balloons with water is seen.
He's suspicious, very suspicious.
Let's not ruin our birthday, bubs. I say to myself, and give him a lot look. I see him as I walk to my class and wait for him to at least wish me a happy birthday. But what he does surprises the he'll out of me.
"I've been searching for you everywhere, y/n! Where were you?" He says, as he comes to hug me. I'm stuck to where I was standing, my mouth agape and my hands to my side when he hugs me.
What is going on?
He pulls away, and looks at me, smiling. "Happy birthday, y/n!"
I am shooketh.. he is talking to me?
"Y-you are talking to m-me?" I ask him. He smiles again, and nods.
"Thank you! I- this is the best gift!" I exclaimed.
"This isn't your gift y/nn. You will get it afterwards." He
said, using the nickname he used to call you before he became cold.
I almost melted on the spot.

Time skip (cos I'm a lazy ass) (3rd person pov)
The whole day he followed you around, joking and laughing. People were gawking at you, not believing the scene in front of their eyes.
Is C/n laughing? What the hell?!
You started walking to your last class as he took you there, hand in
hand. C/n turned to you and said,"Listen, I got to go somewhere. Meet me at the rooftop after your last class. I will give you your actual gift there." You smiled at him, nodding. This birthday has been the best of all! You think, mentally high-fiving yourself.
He smiles at you and placing a kiss on your cheek, sprints away. You are just standing there, goofy smile on your face, your hand on the cheek where he kissed you, dreamily staring at the place he was standing on. B/f/n sees this and smirks. Its time to put the plan into action. He walks to you and pulls you to the ground with him.
"Hey B/f/n where are you taking me?! I have a class now!"
B/f/n turns to you. Do you really want to go to class? I'm so bored. Let's skip this one!"
"No B/f/n, if we skip this one, I won't be able to come back to the school in time for.." you trailed off, not wanting b/f/n to know about the 'rooftop gift', as you knew he would tease you to death.
"For what y/n? Y/nnnn tell me! Tell me pleaseee! Pwease." He said, trying to do puppy eyes like you. And horribly failing, you thought.
"Nope. Nu-uh. Not saying. You will know when it happens." You said as you walk away.

Time skipp (your POV)
I started walking to the rooftop, trying to contain my excitement.
I open the door and look for C/n. And I see him, kissing R/g/n?!
I immediately run out from there, crying. Why would he do this? He should've just told me he liked someone else.. but what was it today then? Did he fake it all?

3rd person POV (sorry for so many pov changes 😅)
C/n sees you rush out, and knows that you must've seen them. He runs behind you, calling out to you and asking you to stop. You fall to your knees, tired due to crying and running. He slows down as he comes beside you and hugs you close. You try to get out of the hug by punching him, but in vain.
He calms you down, but you are still sniffing and crying a little. He looks at you and says, "Y/n, I know what you are thinking. She came onto me. I never kissed her."
You sniffled. "Really? That poophead! Imma beat her ass and come"
He laughed pulling you close to his chest. "No need, princess. I handled it all." He said, smirking, thinking about how he and B/f/n had made all the plan for y/n. When R/g/n had followed him and kissed him, he had pushed her away and asked b/f/n to deal with it.
He smiled again, wondering what b/f/n was doing for r/g/n's punishment.
That's for today guyss.
Question for today: who is your favorite marvel character?
Ans: mine is Natasha or Wanda for sure.. I love cap too..
Have a great dayy!

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