Chapter 1

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In a completely normal house, in a completely normal neighbourhood, in a completely normal town lived a family.
This family wasn't completely normal like everything and everyone around them. Strange things would happen when this family was around. The parents would make things disappear, and their children would randomly set fire to bushes and trees. Some people questioned why these things would happen, and others didn't care as long as the family wouldn't come too close to them. When the family was outside doing normal things, like grocery shopping or going for a walk, some people would stare at them, and others would stay as far away as they could. They didn't like strange things happening.

Now you are probably wondering who this family was. They were the Potters. Strange Harry Potter and his strange wife with their strange children. But Harry Potter and his family were famous. Not amongst these people, muggles, but amongst others like Harry Potter and his family. Other Wizards and Witches. That was the reason strange things would happen around the family, they were wizards and witches. His whole family could do magic, except for one.

Lily Luna Potter was the youngest of the Potter children. She had thee brothers, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Teddy Lupin. Teddy wasn't biologically her brother, but his parents had died in the battle of Hogwarts when he was only a month old, so Harry had taken care of him. Lily was named after her grandmother, who was one of the reasons Harry Potter became famous. When Harry was only a year old, she was killed, together with Harry's dad James, by one of the greatest wizards ever, called Lord Voldemort. He wanted to kill Harry too, but failed to do so. That's why Harry got famous, no one had ever lived before when Voldemort decided to kill them, and Harry was only a baby. Then, after more then 17 years, Harry was the person to defeat and kill Voldemort. Not alone of coarse, he got help from his friends, who are still with him. Most of them are.

Everybody in the Potters family had gone to Hogwarts, except for Lily. She was ten years old and still waiting for the day she would get her Hogwarts letter, which would be on her eleventh birthday.

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