Chapter 4

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The next day Lily woke up and didn't remember what day it was. But a few seconds later she knew. "Today is the day!" She yelled as she ran down the stairs. "Mum! Dad! I'm gonna get my letter today!"
"Happy birthday Lily" Ginny said while walking down the hallway, holding a big package behind her back. Harry and Albus were already in the living room and told Lily James and Teddy had prepared breakfast. After they had all finished their eggs, bacon and sausages (some a bit burnt, James wasn't the best cook), they went back to the living room and told Lily to open her present. Ginny took out the package from earlier.


"We all know you have been wanting one for years" Harry smiled. "I bet you are gonna be a huge quidditch star."
"I can't wait to start practicing" Lily smiled.

After they had some tea and cake they went outside. You didn't have to be a genius to know it wasn't a good idea to fly a magic broomstick in front of muggles, so they decided to take the car to the Burrow, the house were Ginny grew up with her brothers and where her parents were still living. When they got in the car Lily felt a headache again, but didn't think much of it. She thought she was just nervous for her first time on a broomstick. Harry, however, felt the same headache, at the same time. He thought it might have to do with some kind of dark magic, but figured he was just nervous for his daughter's first time on a broomstick.

When they arrived at the Burrow Ginny wanted to go inside to greet her parents, but Harry was already up in the air. He had brought his own broom with him, so he could teach Lily some stuff. It turned out that wasn't even necessary. Lily was a natural, just like her dad. She got some good genes, since her parents were really good quidditch players themselves. Harry got out some apples to throw at her, to practice. He practiced the same way before his second year, with Fred and George. The difference was that he wasn't the person to practice anymore.
And Fred wasn't there anymore. Harry had witnessed a lot of deaths, but Fred was one of the hardest for him to cope with, after Sirius. Fred had felt like a brother to him and it was hard to believe he wasn't there anymore.

Ginny was inside watching trough the window, thinking the same. When her mother saw Ginny's eyes tear up she sat next to her and comforted her. "Look, Lily's a natural, she's catching all the apples!" Molly said. "Yeah, I'm really proud of her." Ginny replied. "She got the good- NO!"


Ooohhh cliffhanger....
Sorry to leave you here, I wrote this in my online math class and I feel like i need to pay attention

The story of Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now