Chapter 5

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*2013 Mystic Falls*Third person

After 500 years Katherina (Katherine), and her three brothers reunited again as one big family,they decided to live in a mansion in Mystic Falls.The Mickelson's were living in mystic falls aswell.The Petrova family decided to throw a ball in their honours.

Rebecca's POV

After news of hearing Katherine has siblings.It has been chaos but we have made peace with Elena,her friends and yes even the Salvatore's. But the only reason is ,is because we hate the petrovas.

*Mickelson Mansion*Klaus POV

As I was seated across my brothers kol,Elijah an finn ,watching Rebecca and Freya choose a dress for the ball tonight ,the doorbell rang.I quickly stood up and went to open the door for the Salvatore boys and their friend,I greet with an smirk and say,ahh you finally decided to join us ,come in,come in as Elena entered I fought about Katherina, I hate Katherina so much when I see her ,it makes me want to murder people.I close the door and show Elena,Bonnie,Dear Coroline,Damon,Stefan and Kai where to sit.Before I could speak,Kol stood up and said:well well well if it is not the Scooby gang .I laugh at kols remark and started to get to business. So I hope you know why your here.

Elijah's POV

After I heard Niklaus say I hope you all know ,know why your here I decided to speak,because knowing Nicklaus he will only cause trouble.I speak in my gentleman tone:well I prefer they know brother, we have all gathered here not only to make peace*I quickly look at Nicklaus, Kol and Damon ,so that they know I am preferring to them because the rest of us already made peace*I continue to speak: we are here aswell to get to the bottom of what the petrova are up to and most likely to end their bloodline for good.

Elena POV

As we speak about our plans about tonight and in the future how to finally get rid of the petrova family ,because Katherine is a real bitch ,almost halfway I started thinking about what coroline said earlier ,on our way she said ,what if there was another petrova that hated their siblings and will kill them ,like Michael who hated his children and wanted to kill all of them but failed.Before I knew it it blurred out of my mouth,so I and Caroline went told them what she had said.Finally Klaus said something: well that sound excellent now we should only find where ,what,and who this person is and if they only exist,but we all should find out tonight,so Rebecca you,bonnie and Freya should do some flirting tonight. We all agreed to a plan an  got ready for the ball

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