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"I'm sorry, but I can't marry you," the cat-eyed lady said to the Thai. They were currently at her workplace, discussing her debts with Lisa.

"But you owe me two million won, Miss. Kim," Lisa smirked.

"I will pay you, but I can't pay you in full right now," Jennie told her.

"But I don't want the money, Jennie," Lisa insisted, "I want you to be my wife."

"For the last time, I can't marry you." Jennie said, frustrated at the persistent Thai.

"And I've already told you, I want to marry you. Listen, Kim, I know you need the money. I know you work part-time as a cashier in this small coffee shop and as a waitress at the club at night. The money you owe those men is your parents' debt, but they abandoned you and fled, so you were left to pay for it. Additionally, you and your friends are renting an apartment, and if I may add, you still haven't paid your tuition fee for school. And before you ask how I know all of this, it's because I asked someone to gather information about you," Lisa informed her, leaving Jennie stunned.

"You stalked me?" Jennie became agitated..

"No! I mean, yeah, I did gather information about you, but it was only because I wanted to get to know my soon-to-be wife— I said I don't want to be your wife," Jennie interrupted Lisa before she could finish her sentence.

Lisa let out a sigh.

"Look, Jennie, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be my wife. Not only that, you can have anything you want. To be fair, I will pay you for your services," Lisa stated.

"What exactly do you mean?" Jennie raised her brow.

"Let's make a deal: if you agree to be my wife, I will pay off your remaining debts, and on top of that, I will provide you with a monthly allowance. You can continue your studies and quit your job. All you have to do is agree to be my wife, but with one condition," Lisa explained.

"What?" Jennie inquired.

"You are not allowed to inform my parents about this agreement," Lisa stated.

"So if I agree, I'll be stuck with you for the rest of my life?" Jennie asked.

"No, this agreement is only for a year. After that, you can do whatever you want. We'll file for divorce, and you can save money in a year. But being stuck with me forever is a great idea, ONLY if you learn to love me. If you don't, you can leave me after that," Lisa informed Jennie.

"What?" Jennie inquired, her confusion evident on her face.

"Listen, Jennie Kim, I'm not one to play games. I have to admit, the first time I laid eyes on you, you captivated me," Lisa confessed, hoping to clarify her intentions.

"What I mean to say is, I like you—no, scratch that, I fell in love with you at first sight. But I don't want to force you to feel the same way. Right now, all I'm asking is for you to be my wife," Lisa explained further.

Jennie's heart started racing in her chest, overwhelmed by Lisa's words. She felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach, unsure of what it meant. All she knew was that she had been feeling it since the day she met Lisa.

"So, Miss Kim, do we have a deal?" Lisa asked, extending her hand for a handshake.

Jennie took a few moments to consider, studying Lisa's outstretched hand.

"Deal," Jennie smiled, finally taking Lisa's hand in hers.




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