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"What are we doing here?" Jennie asked Lisa, eyes widening as she realized they were in the Everland theme park

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"What are we doing here?" Jennie asked Lisa, eyes widening as she realized they were in the Everland theme park.

"We're going on a date," Lisa replied with a smile, causing Jennie's heart to race.

"It's actually a triple date," Jisoo chimed in. "Chaeyoung will be with me, and Seul will be with Irene. So, it's a triple date."

Jisoo's comment earned an eye roll from Lisa. "You're ruining the moment, Chu," she said, slightly annoyed at her friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Limario. I didn't realize you were having a moment with Jendeuk," Jisoo teased, using a nickname for Jennie.

"Jendeuk?" Jennie asked in confusion.

"It means 'short' because you're short," Jisoo explained, earning a light tap on the head from Lisa.

"Don't you dare tease my fiancée," Lisa defended Jennie, causing the latter's cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Oh, Jennie's blushing," Irene teased, joining in on the fun.

"Shut up, Irene!" Jennie playfully slapped Irene's arm.

"Don't mind them, honey," Lisa reassured her.

"I'm not your honey," Jennie retorted, but Lisa smirked playfully.

"Really? But you'll be my wife soon, so get used to hearing me call you that," The Thai said, earning an eye roll from the cat eyed lady.

"Whatever," Jennie muttered, unable to hide her smile.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get inside," Chaeyoung interrupted everyone, and pulled Jisoo inside, "Chu, please buy me food." The former cutely pouted at the latter, causing her to blushed.

"Wow, Chu, this is the first time I've seen you blush. You look like shit," Lisa teased Jisoo, making everyone laugh.

"Fuck you, Lis," Jisoo retorted, playfully.

"Oh no, you're not my type," Lisa replied, earning more laughter from the group.

"So, where do you guys want to ride? The cable car, the hurricane adventure, the double rock spin, or maybe the T-express?" Lisa suggested, but when the girls saw the T-express, mischievous smirks appeared on their faces, causing Lisa, Seulgi, and Jisoo to gulp nervously.

"So, where do you guys want to ride? The cable car, the hurricane adventure, the double rock spin, or maybe the T-express?" Lisa suggested, but when the girls saw the T-express, mischievous smirks appeared on their faces, causing Lisa, Seulgi, and...

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