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When Jisoo asked Jennie about the earlier scene, Jennie quickly denied everything. My heart breaks when you told me right in front of my face that the kiss was nothing, that you didn't mean it and you were only carried away. Damn, I can't describe the pain that I am feeling right now.

"Come on Jen, we won't judge you. Besides, not all women are straight, even you. Even if you keep on saying to us that you're straight, Lisa will for sure bend you," Irene teased her, but Jennie just rolled her eyes at her.

Jennie reiterated, "I told you it was just nothing." I heaved a sigh and forced a fake smile to conceal my pain.

"Stop asking her, Chu. What are you guys even doing here?" I sounded irritated.

"Wow, chill Limario. We came here to see you, that's all. I called Auntie, and she mentioned that you're with Jennie, so we all decided to come here to see both of you. But I think we may have interrupted something, right?" A smirk adorned her face.

"Okay, now that you see us here, you may leave. Jennie, you can also go with them if you like," I said, turning my gaze towards Jennie.

"No, it's fine. Besides, I'm enjoying reading your books," she answered. Did she not want to leave yet?

"Really, or maybe you are enjoying her lips?" Seulgi teased her, and I quickly threw a pillow at her face, making her stop smirking.

"Are you sure?" I asked Jennie again, and she nodded her head, but then her phone rang.

As soon as she looked at the caller, she quickly got up from her seat and excused herself. The way she acted, I already knew who it was.

Jisoo and the rest bid goodbye, leaving me and Jennie alone again. She was still on her phone, engrossed in the conversation for about fifteen minutes. I could sense that Jennie kept glancing at me, perhaps afraid that I would question her, but I decided not to. She continued to lie and betray me.

They say that the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. It always hurts the most when it comes from a person you love, and I can now attest to that.

I gave you a month, and you've already wasted two weeks without saying anything to me. I asked Mr. Yang to monitor Jennie's whereabouts whenever I'm not with her, and to my dismay, she was with her so-called boyfriend, Kim Taehyung.

Mr. Yang sent me a photo of them, the last time they were together was during dinner. The guy even held her hand, and she simply allowed it. It's ironic how she continues to betray me repeatedly.

I glanced up at Jennie and saw her smiling. You had betrayed the trust I placed in you, choosing to cause me immense pain and heartbreak.

Once you finished on your phone, you walked towards me and stood in front of me. I locked my gaze on you, waiting for you to speak.

"It was one of my classmates, and she needs me to finish our project. I don't want to go, believe me, but she said that our professor has changed the submission deadline, and we have only 2 days to complete it," you stuttered, another lie.

"Do you want me to ask Mr. Yang to drive you to your classmate?" I offered, but you quickly shook your head.

"No, I can go there by myself," you replied, and I simply nodded.

"Okay, take care then," I said emotionlessly. Jennie seemed hesitant to leave, but I chose not to assume anything and averted my gaze, returning to my work.

"Okay, bye Lili," She uttered. However, I was caught off guard when Jennie suddenly leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my cheek before swiftly walking out of the office.

Before I could react, she had already left. I held my cheek where Jennie had kissed me, still shocked at what had just transpired.

"Okay, self, don't be surprised by that kiss. You two had kissed on the lips, and she said it was just nothing, so surely a kiss on the cheek means nothing too."



When Jisoo inquired about the earlier scene with Lisa, I couldn't help but blush, fully aware of the actions that transpired. Our innocent kisses had escalated into a passionate make-out session, and truth be told, I found myself becoming addicted to Lisa's kisses.

As I denied that the kiss meant nothing, I witnessed the pain reflected in Lisa's eyes. In that moment, I yearned to retract my words and proclaim to everyone that the kiss had been magical, but fear held me back.

I came close to confessing my love for her.

Despite proclaiming my straight orientation to everyone and accepting Taehyung as my boyfriend, I grappled with the burgeoning feelings I harbored for Lisa. I convinced myself of my heterosexuality, hoping that by committing to Taehyung, my attention and emotions would shift away from her.

Yet, the internal conflict with my emerging homosexuality waged on, and my affection for Lisa deepened, leaving me entangled in a web of emotions with no clear escape.

Should I suppress these feelings or embrace them? Should I disclose my love for her, renounce our arrangement, and embark on a genuine relationship where we date and eventually marry without reservations or pretense?

"Yes, that's what I want," I affirmed myself as I gazed at Lisa.

When Taehyung called, I swiftly excused myself from Lisa's presence, fearing she might overhear our conversation. Regret weighed heavy upon me for utilizing Taehyung as a means to evade my feelings for Lisa. During the call, I mustered the courage to express my apologies and convey my decision to end our relationship. Taehyung was taken aback, seeking clarification on what led to this abrupt conclusion. I divulged the truth to him.

Following our conversation, Taehyung expressed understanding and requested a final meeting for a proper farewell. I agreed to bid him farewell in person.

Once I severed ties with Taehyung, I resolved to confess my love to Lisa. The anticipation of revealing my true feelings to her filled me with both trepidation and excitement.

Approaching Lisa to announce my leave, I fabricated an excuse about a project with a classmate. She acquiesced nonchalantly, engrossed in her work. Though initially hesitant to leave, I knew I had to leave. Before exiting, I leaned down to plant a kiss on her cheek, then hastily left the room to conceal my flushed countenance.

"Wait for me, Lili. I will return," I vowed silently.

I will confess my love to you, this time, with sincerity.

Upon my arrival at the coffee shop, Taehyung greeted me with a warm smile

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Upon my arrival at the coffee shop, Taehyung greeted me with a warm smile. I took a seat across from him and reciprocated the gesture.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Jen," he began.

"And thank you for understanding my decision as well, Tae. However, I also want to apologize for ending things abruptly. I had hoped that being with you would diminish my feelings for Lisa, but it seems I was mistaken," I confessed, to which he simply smiled in response, a peculiar reaction.

"You don't have to apologize, Jennie, as there will be no breakup," he stated firmly.

"What?" I questioned, puzzled by his words.

"You cannot break me, Jennie," he asserted with seriousness.

"What do you mean? We agreed, I told you I'm not inlove with you," I raised my voice in confusion, yet he remained unfazed, offering a disconcerting smile.

"I only said those words to ensure you would meet me here. Let me be honest with you, Jen. I hold a deep resentment towards Lisa. I despise her and her family. They are the root cause of our business's downfall, leading us to the brink of bankruptcy. When Lisa sat as the CEO at the Manoban group, our investors withdrew their support and flocked to her, resulting in my father's devastating loss. Consumed by shame and despair, my father took his own life," Taehyung disclosed, unveiling a shocking revelation.

"Upon learning of her connection to you, I devised a plan for revenge against her. The universe seemed to align in my favor when I found the arrangement between you and her," he continued, a greedy glint in his eyes.

"W-what are you planning?" I inquired nervously.

"We are not breaking up— You have no authority over me. I am ending our relationship," I interjected, raising my voice and drawing the attention of other customers. Prepared to depart, Taehyung interjected once more.

"If you leave me, I will expose your agreement with Lisa," he threatened, a smirk adorning his face as I stood frozen in disbelief.

"Sit down, Jennie, and let us resolve this," he commanded.

"What do you want?" I retorted, seething with anger.

"You will not end things with me. Instead, you will continue your agreement with Lisa until you both marry. You will ensnare her heart even further. Once she is deeply in love with you, you will shatter her heart by declaring your love for me and disclosing our pre-existing relationship before her marriage to you," he outlined, grinning sardonically.

"No!—No! I refuse!" I protested, only to be met with a chilling ultimatum.

"If you resist, I will expose Lisa's manipulative games with you. I will unveil the truth that the esteemed Lalisa Manoban coerced an innocent woman into paying off her debts in exchange for marriage. I will ruin her reputation," he threatened, his grin widening.

"She did not blackmail me—yet it appears as she does. If this deceit is revealed, it will incite public scorn towards Lisa, prompting investors to withdraw their support until her business faces ruin," he interjected.

"Is this truly your aim? to witness her downfall? Why involve me in your scheme?" I questioned, seething with indignation.

"No, my desire is to witness her anguish, to witness her heartbreak, to revel in her pain of losing a loved one.To see her reputation tarnished as punishment for her actions. You claim to love her, so sacrifice for the sake of her reputation," he asserted.

This is all my fault. I have betrayed Lisa, shattered her trust, and now I am poised to break her heart.

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