🌸A little day 🌸

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Thank you jenart1910 for the request, I hope you enjoy

Littles: Virgil (age 2-3)& Roman (age 5)

Caregiver: Janus

Janus was just walking back to his room when at of no where he just got strange feeling, he could explain how it actually felt but he did know that he normally only got this feeling when someone was lying. Janus wanted to who how was lying an why they were so he decided to check on the others,  he was biased so he wanted to go and check on his little ones first just in case they were in trouble.

Janus when to Roman's room knock on the door only to hear no reply, so he knocked again but this time he said Roman's name in hopes to catch his attention but again there was no reply. Janus thought that it would be best to come back a other time, so he moved on to Logan's room which was right next to Roman's. Janus knock on the door and call out for Logan "Logan can I come in?" He hired moving around for the other side of the door, but then Logan respond "yes come on in" Janus hoped the door to Logan on his bed watching TV but as Janus got further in his room he paused it "what where you watching?" Janus was only a little bit interested in he had to say "oh just a documentary on space, but that is not important right now what is it you need for me?"

"Oh well I'm just checking up on everyone" Logan didn't really believe that but he continued "oh did Patton tell you to do so before he left?" I mean that is to only reason that Janus would be checking on people "what? Patton left where is he?" Oh so he didn't know Logan quietly thought to himself "oh well Patton left on a walk with Remus, he left a note on his door so I assumed you knew" Janus had no idea, oh well that means he can go and check on Virgil "thank you for your help Logan I will be in my way now"

Alright time to find Virgil, now you may be thinking "find Virgil" shouldn't he be in his room like the other? Well the thing is Virgil seems to find him self in the strangest places, one time he actually got stuck in a tree for 3 hours! A other time virgil was on top of the fringe just sitting there watch people and when ever anyone opened the fridge he would shut it seconds later just to annoy who ever wanted food, So you see you never really know where you will find him.

              ~  half an hour later ~

At this point Janus was start to get worried he had searched all of Virgil's spots but he can't seem to find him anywhere, till it came to him the only place that he has not search was Virgil's room! how could he be so stupid, how could he not check Virgil's room first. Janus got to Virgil's room "Virgil I'm going to come in now, is that okay?" There was a quiet hum from behind the door Janus took as an invitation to come in, when he got into the room he saw Virgil just sitting on for staring at him "is everything okay buddy?" Virgil just potted, Janus could immediately tell that Virgil was feel little because he was waring his big hoodie with really long sleeves that he normally would flap around but he could also tell that he was having trouble slipping all the way.

"Aww baby are you feeling little right now?" Virgil slowly nodded "do you want to watch a movie, baby?" Virgil face immediately lit up "yeah!" He said clapping his hands, Janus should probably go and get Roman as well so that they all could have a little day. "Uppies!" Virgil screamed at Janus so he  picked Virgil up and put him on his hip "do you think I can leave you with Logan when I'm getting roro?" Virgil's was super excited he could wait "Uh huh"


Janus knocked on Logan "come in" Logan shouted from the other side of the door "Hey Logan this might be too much to ask but do you think you could look after the Vee whilst I go and get my other Roman?"

"Of course I don't mind, come here virgil" Janus put virgil down so he could run to Logan which he did "thanks I will be back for him in a minute"


"Roman!" Roman was on his desk scribble down idea of the up coming Sanders Sides episode "oh my god what?" Roman did not like to be interrupt Janus give him a stern look "you have been working all day so I think you should take a little break so come and hang out with me and Virgil, okay?" This was not a question more like a plan of what they were going to do "okay I guess you are right.." Roman said his eyes drifting to the side "good now let's get you in to some comfort cloths" Janus walked over to Roman large watch in cupboard and picking out a red t-shirt with a gold crown and some black dungarees "can you get your self dressed or do you need my help?"

Roman thought for a second "I can do it, I'm a big boy!" Roman said with a big smile, he then ran in to his bathroom with the clothes Janus picked out for him, Janus went around him room and getting some of the things that he think he will need like Roman's colouring in book, pacifier and a clip for virgil because last time he was in here he forgot about it and left it in here

"I'm all done!" Roman said as he bursts out his bathroom "you look amazing, bud do you want to come and get Virgil with me so we can all watch a movie?" Obviously he said yes and him and Janus started walking back to Logan's room


"And thanks again for watch him" Janus now had Virgil back on his hip but Vee was in a new outfit one that is more appropriate of his age"it's no problem, have fun" Logan said turning back to his TV and continuing to watch it.


They had all made their way downstairs Janus put virgil down on the couch and started setting up everything for the littles he pulled a blanket over virgil he then turned on the TV, and put on the movie trolls. Virgil seemed to be happy with that so he turned his attention to Roman he lead out another more thin blanket and he popped Roman on it and give him, his colour book just in case he got bored of the movie.

Janus walked over to the curtains and shut them so the room looked more like a cinema, Janus made his way to the in kitchen grabbing two sipe cups and filling one with apple juice and one with orange juice. When he got back he saw that Roman was also now under virgil blanket as well Roman's colour book was just laying there no the floor, Virgil had some of the blanket in his mouth Roman did pull it out of his mouth "no vee that bad" Roman said patting his head, Janus made he way over

"Okay boys I got you drinks" Janus pasted the orange juice to Virgil and the apple juice to Roman "thank you" they both said, the boys were happy with their drinks Janus remembered that he had Virgil's pacifier and the clip perfected, he clipped the paci to Virgil t-shirt "there you go" Janus said proudly   he went over to he char and decided to take a nap.


Ones Janus woke up he saw that the movie just ended "who wants to go to the park?" Roman jumped up excited and virgil was already trying to put on his shoes, the key word trying he was having trouble with the lase.

~time skip to after they got home                     from the park~

At this point Virgil was very very tired so Janus thought that it would be good to put him down for a nap, he picked him up and carried him to his room and put him in his bed "sweet dreams, baby" he trund the lit off and shut the door and then made his way back down stairs to Roman "do you want to have some cuddles?" Roman hop up on the coach ready for his cuddles but in stead he was picked up "I was thinking that we could do that in my room, is that okay?" Roman nodded his head he didn't mind


Janus opened his door and plopped Roman on his bed and went to the corner of his room to go and get one of Roman's teddys it was a dog holding a little bread roll with it's cute little tongue sticking out Janus passed it to him, and him and Roman started cuddling

~words 1544~

I'm sorry that took so long

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