Exacerbating Dizziness

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It was inevitable that the Monster would find them. After all, this strange hellhole was only so big. Yet it feels uneasy that he would find them so soon. The beast followed the sounds of their voice to the mirror that showed what Skid & Pump used to look like without their costumes. In the reflection was an ordinary man wearing the same sweater Skid is now wearing. That man in the reflection didn't matter to him anymore. All that matters now is his bloodlust. He gently opens the door.

"Where did you even get that?" Skid asked Pump, who was holding a digging tool about the size of him.

"I found it on the ground by the sprinklers," Pump replied.

"That's a pretty big... uh..." Skid falters. "What is that? My vision's still a little fuzzy from when you hypnotized me."

"Oh it's..." Pump falters too. "Es como una cuchara grande... se usa para cavar-"

"A shovel, perhaps?" The kids turn towards the voice in alarm, Skid getting in front of Pump while Pump glares at the monster over Skid's shoulder in an attempt to hypnotize him as he did to Skid.

"Why do you want to kill us so badly?" Challenged Skid as he took the shovel from Pump.

"Did the soup not make it obvious?" The beast hinted. His gaze was fixed on Skid, & his stare was petrifying.

"Don't you know how to grow potatoes & carrots?" The boy retorted as he pointed the shovel at him in an attempt to intimidate him.

"They won't satiate me forever." He started to approach them, pulling a machete out of god knows where. Pump realized the hypnosis wouldn't work unless Mr. Lemon was looking at him, so he tried to grab his attention.

"Back off, you creepy man!" Pump provoked, "¡Mantente alejado!" The lemon glanced at Pump for a moment, then trying to go around Skid & strike Pump with the machete. Pump maintained eye contact & a deadpan stare, slowly backing away from him as he attempted to hypnotize him. The beast sensed this & attempted to use this against him. He held the flat side of the machete in a way that would show Pump's reflection against the blade, thus making Pump hypnotize himself. This rendered him incapacitated for a moment, giving the lemon demon a chance to strike. He lifted his blade & started to swing...


Skid had knocked the weapon out of his hand with his shovel. He laughed a little in triumph but realized he celebrated too early when the monster grabbed the shovel & tried to pull it out of his grasp. Skid tugged & tugged, but lost when the lemon kicked him in the chest & sent him backward. At that point, Pump had come back to his senses & picked up the machete, looking for the perfect moment to strike. Skid was also picking himself up, glaring at the demon.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size! Bitch!" He quickly covered his mouth. Everyone, including Skid himself, was shocked at what came out of his mouth. & the monster was furious at this.

"Funny," the lemon growled as he lifted his shovel, "This wasn't personal before." He slammed down the shovel onto Skid's head, the impact sending shockwaves through his skull & worsening the pre-existing crack under the bandaid.

"SKID!" Pump yelped & ran to Skid's side. The shovel was then lifted off of Skid's head, & he collapsed into unconsciousness. Pump tried to pick him up but was yanked back by the lemon, who then picked Skid up & walked out the door.

"Petty brat!" The lemon monster takes Skid to a room behind the corruption mirror, leaving Pump to mourn over him.

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