chapter 59 - getting good

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10 Hours Away | Harry Styles AU

chapter 59 - getting good

"Checkmate! Checkmate!" Isaac screamed with joy after playing his fourth round of chess with Carter.

"Congratulations." Carter said when he shook Isaac's hand.

"I was right when I said I could beat your ass in chess."

"It only took you four rounds to prove it." Mia commented and took a sip from her iced-coffee. Then she jumped off the kitchen counter in Carter's apartment.

"Are you here to ruin the moment or celebrate my victory?" Isaac questioned her. Carter was putting all the chess pieces back into the dark wooden box.

"I'm here to celebrate your victory. As always." she said as she rolled her eyes.

"We have to get going guys." I spoke up as I glanced at my phone. Time had passed by quickly after numerous rounds of chess. "We have to be at the roller rink in twenty minutes."

"I heard they have a roller disco on Fridays." Mia told us.

"I suddenly regret saying yes to this absurd idea." one of the boys said.

"You're going to love it, Isaac!" Mia cheered. "I bet you look good in roller skates, too." she pointed out when she wrapped an arm around him.

"Oh, fuck off, Mia." he responded.

"You love me." she replied and so Isaac put his arm around Mia as well.

We all grabbed our jackets before we left Carter's place. An Uber was waiting on us outside the building.

"It has been a while since we did something with just the four of us." I said when we went down the stairs.

"Everybody has or had a lover who wanted to be a part of our group." Isaac spoke up. "They come and go."

"I hope Logan sticks around though." Carter told Mia, and she smiled.

"I hope so, too." she said.

Quickly we hopped into the car, so we could be at the rink in time.

"Are there really roller discos on Friday? Just asking for a friend." Isaac let us know.

"There are." Mia confirmed. "It makes going there so much fun!"

"How many times have you been there already?" I asked her from the backseat.

Mia turned around, seeing she was seated next to the driver. "Twice. One time Logan and I went together, and the second time some of his friends joined." she let us know.

"If Logan's friends can participate in a roller disco, so can we." Carter told Isaac. "It's not that hard, right?"

"Well, you can fall pretty easily if you don't lookout. There are many other people at the rink, so you can't be in their way or crash into them." Mia explained.

"What if that's how I might meet my future wife?"

"Sometimes I wonder what's going in that head of yours, Isaac." Mia replied and turned around to face the road.

Minutes after we arrived at our destination we had already paid our entry fees, so we could move on to the fitting area. We exchanged our shoes with the right size of roller skates. At first, Isaac wasn't thrilled about going here but I saw a change in demeanor. He kept telling Carter how he was going to show off his skills, which I didn't think he had because this was the first time he went roller skating.

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