chapter 71 - healing

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10 Hours Away | Harry Styles AU

chapter 71 - healing

If there was one place I never wanted to be at, it had to be the hospital. The moment those slide doors open, you step inside and inhale the smell, it makes me nauseous. Somehow it reminds me of disasters; bad news waiting to be delivered by hospital personnel and having to say goodbye to a family member.

My hopes were never high whenever I entered a hospital.

I think Mia noticed I felt out of place because she kept assuring me he was going to be fine, but she had no idea why Carter was even here.

Isaac had called Mia and demanded her to get me because both of us had to be there as fast as we could. Of course, we hailed the first cab we saw, but we weren't given anything else except for the location of the hospital.

While we were trapped between the outlandishly bright white walls, Mia had already figured which way we needed to go. Thankfully I had her by my side seeing that I would have been lost in here.

"We're almost there." she said. She knew I was listening but had a hard time answering her back.

Damnit, I didn't want to be here.

At the end of the hallway, we turned left to the C-wing of the hospital. Pressing repeatedly on the button of the elevator, we finally heard the familiar ding; indicating it had reached our floor.

Almost every elevator plays Muzak, then why can't that happen in the most dreadful place on earth? It would keep your mind off things for at least a few seconds.

Once we reached the third floor, Mia continued our quest; our hands were intertwined as we passed multiple nurses and visitors. I was relieved to have her by my side.

From a distance, I noticed Isaac standing in the waiting area. Instead of approaching Isaac by calling out for him quietly, Mia decided to be loud.

He turned to us and met us halfway. "I'm so relieved you guys are here." Isaac voiced, controlled by calmness.

"What happened?" I asked forthwith. I hadn't said much on our way over, but I was eager to know why Carter had ended up here.

"Some fucking idiot who owns an electric scooter thought it was a smart move to take the sidewalk." his serenity was replaced by anger. "So when Carter stepped out of the Writers Lounge to meet me, he got hit by this dumbass."

"Fuck." Mia cursed. "How fast was he going?"

"Way too fast." Isaac said through gritted teeth. "Those scooters are so fucking dangerous. I swear to God they should be forbidden. They are not even allowed on the sidewalk!"

"So how bad are the injuries?" Mia asked collectedly.

"Well, after he collided into Carter, Carter fell on the ground and hit his head pretty badly. The doctor told me there's a possible chance he has got a severe concussion, but they're still running some tests. The only thing I do know is that he broke one of his wrists when he tried to catch himself by outstretching his hand."

"Shit, this sucks." Mia huffed. "When was the last time you talked to Carter's doctor?"

"Fifteen minutes ago? Maybe already half an hour?" Isaac said, unsure of the exact time. "All I know is that it's going to take a long time before we know more. They just took him for a head CT."

Mia and I nodded in understanding. More patients needed to be taken care of, so it always took quite some time before answers could be given.

Luckily, Carter wasn't in a life-threatening situation so we didn't have to think about the worst-case scenario. However, it was still horrible Carter had to go through this right now. It must've been immensely painful to be hit by a scooter.

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