chapter 27 - all over again

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10 Hours Away | Harry Styles AU

chapter 27 - all over again

Dylan dropped me off after I kissed Harry goodbye. While he was busy paying attention to the traffic, my mind had drifted back to Harry asking for a kiss and dreaming how wholesome our moment together was.

The last time our lips had touched was when we were dancing in the dark and he apologized for it. Everything that had happened since then confounded me.

The feeling I experienced then hadn't disappeared because the electricity was once more apparent – it had never left us. And, of course, I regretted not giving him another kiss.

But I knew I was able to do it all over again soon because he liked me and I liked him.

I thanked Dylan for the fun night and waved him goodbye. I had to ask him to check up on Harry later tonight and text me if he was feeling down, so I could come back if he wanted to.

Walking into a silent apartment building was strange since I had been used to having Carter, Isaac, or Mia around.

While having my keys in my hand, I was contemplating on entering my home. I hadn't talked to Mia for hours when I knew she had been struggling with her feelings for Rick. At the same time, I didn't want to bother her with the fact I was feeling delighted. And yet I couldn't get myself to ignore her existence, so I waltzed to her front door and knocked a few times.

It was nearly 9:30 pm, so I wasn't sure if she had already crawled underneath her covers or was currently awake. Given the state she was in the last few days, there was a slim chance of her being wholly awake.

Once more, I knocked but I wasn't met with anyone in front of me.

"Mia?" I called out, loud enough for her to hear me on the other side.

I could dial her number and hope she'd pick up, but I didn't want to risk waking her up. I sighed as I thought about the options I had left, which were non-existent.

"She isn't home." I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

When I turned, I was met with Carter who was wide awake.

"How do you know?" I asked him with concern.

"Because she's staying at my place." he explained.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned worriedly.

"Yeah." he said. "She just feels extremely lonely and conflicted."

"Shit." I cursed in a whisper.

I crossed my arms against my chest. I hadn't expected her to crash at someone else's place because she felt down.

"She told me about Rick." Carter conveyed as he gradually walked towards me. "She didn't want to at first, but then she knew she'd be better off telling me."

"She should've given me a call. I would have come back immediately." I spoke aloud.

"Mia knew you were spending time with Harry. She didn't want to bother you."

The thought of her wanting to reach out for me, but not doing it, pained me.

"She wouldn't have bothered me." I cleared up. "I feel like an awful friend now."

"Don't feel like that, Liz. You've done nothing wrong." Carter assured me.

I rested with my back against the wall and slowly slipped down. Carter sat down next to me and we looked at his door which he had kept ajar.

10 HOURS AWAY | Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now