Chapter 3 - Let's Make Friends (T)

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I really hate this school. As to be expected. School in general sucks, so why go through with it? Well, my parents want me to become successful in the future, but I just don't care. I got into Hope's Peak Academy without even trying! And that's a school MADE for kids a top of their classes! It's not like I need a job anyways. My family's rich enough.

I've been transferred to a lot of school cuz of the fights I've been in. My dad'll always get mad at me for getting myself involved in fights. It's not my fault that kids go and piss me off cuz they know my track record. Anyways, today is Sunday. THANK GOD. That means no school, no annoying kids in class, NOTHING! This means I get to spend time with the best maid I could ever have!


No response. I guess that she must be working on something... Maybe I could help her out...

"Rumi? Are you here?"

"Hello, Chabashira. Do you need my assistance?"

I recognize that soothing voice anywhere! Kirumi Tojo is the best maid I could ever ask for! She's been with me since I was really young! We're around the same age too, so it was like having a big sister...

She would always listen whenever I told her about my problems, be there for me, and would always help me out whenever I needed it, and genuinely makes my life feel less shit. Granted, she is a maid, but she's different! It's nice to be cared for. I see Kirumi and give her a big hug.

"More like the other way around, Rumi!"

"You know you shouldn't help me, Chabashira. I know how to clean up around here."

"Aww, c'mon! Is there anything I could do to help you out?"

"Not in particular."

I groan in annoyance and head back to my room. As I plop down face-first on my bed, I thinking of what to do instead. Rumi doesn't need my help, so what CAN I do? I notice my phone on my table. Well, I guess I don't have any other options... I pick it up and send a text:

Aikiller Master: heyyyyyy! could ya talk to me?

Gender: y?

Aikiller Master: bitch, what do u think? Runi won't let me help her on cleaning, so you're a last resort!

Gender: in that case, what do you wanna talk about?

Aikiller Master: idk! I thought you would know what to talk about!

Gender: well, how've you been doing in getting friends?

Aikiller Master: wtf? when did we bring this up?

Gender: well you wanted to talk abt something and that came to mind.

Gender: so tell me.

Aikiller Master: I. haven't really done anything about that,,

Gender: is there a reason why?

Aikiller Master: well excuse me 4 not talking, these kids in school r douches

Gender: y'know that's not true, right?

Aikiller Master: alright! Name ONE kid who ain't a prick!

Gender: there's a couple to choose from. Like Gokuhara, Hoshi, Yumeno,,

Aikiller Master: I said ONE kid! And besides, Gokuhara is...well, I guess he's not that bad, but, Hoshi sounds way too depressing, and the red head? She's pissing me off!

"Weird..." - Tenmiko Fanfic Cuz Let Me Be HappyWhere stories live. Discover now