Chapter 13 - Let's Hangout Again! (T)

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I sit there in class, thinking. I don't really care about what the teacher is saying, so I just look out the window. I hated the thought of going to the dance, and I still do don't get me wrong... But I guess I do have something to look forward to. Wait, what am I saying? No buts, I'm gonna hate this dance... Right? All of these thoughts go away as soon as Rantaro taps on my shoulder.


"You're zoning out again. Mind telling me why?"

"No... No."

"You thinking about the dance?"

"Wh-what? No, no-no. I just... Uh..."

"You don't have to hide it. We're all thinking about it too."

"W-well, maybe I wouldn't be if it wasn't for the fact that we actually have to dance!"

"That's the whole point of it. Dance is in the title and everything."

"Yeah, I know. It's gonna be so annoying..."

"Listen, if you don't have to worry about it. We can practice."

"Why does everyone around me know how to dance? First Iruma says that she's a pro, then Yumeno said she had some practice, and now you know how to dance all of a sudden?"

"Well, I pretty much have to since my sisters all wanted to learn to dance. So I decided to practice myself."

"Jeez, I forget that you have so many siblings."

"Yep. And you're one of them now."

He ruffles my hair a little.

"Hey, shut up..."

"Well, at least you ain't yelling."

"Think I'm all bark and no bite? You're the one who knows me the most, and that's what you have to say?"

"Heh. Well, you definitely do act like that now."

"Well, I don't want to fight anyone again... Even stupid Cuntkichi isn't worth the trouble..."

Rantaro chuckles.

"Say, you said that you're having problems with dancing, right? How about I help you out?"

"Nah. I already have Rumi helping me."


"I didn't ask her yet, but I will."

"Ah, I see. Well, if she can't, you know who to call."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, is class over yet?"


I groan and put my head down. After forever, we finally leave and get to our next class. We say hi to Gokuhara and Hoshi and get to our seats. Yumeno comes in late, and gets yelled at by the teacher. What surprised me was that she didn't have that bored plain face she usually has. She looked... A little upset. It honestly made me feel a little bad for her. I guess she's taking my advice... She gets to her desk and sighs.

"Jeez, you alright?"


Sure... She's showing emotions, but she ain't talking about them. How weird can you get? I'll try to help the best I can though... It's really the least I can do. After class, me, Yumeno, and Rantaro go walk to the hallways and talk.

"Hey, don't mean to bud into your personal bubble, but are you alright, Yumeno?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Weird..." - Tenmiko Fanfic Cuz Let Me Be HappyWhere stories live. Discover now